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JUNE 119 1973 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL VILLAGE OF HUGO 17; <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:08 PM by Mayor Carlson. Roll was called: Carlson, <br /> Leroux, Bjorum, and Lease present. LaValle absent. <br /> The mayor reported that he had obtained traffic count maps from the Washington County <br /> Highway Department, and he then developed counts for the village to help decide on <br /> priorities in road projects. He had also prepared a list of villz3ge roads and their <br /> cars per day usage, cost estimate to upgrade, and traffic rank, which he explained to the <br /> council. Don Lease mentioned that he'd like to get a cost per mile maintenance and cost <br /> per mile construction estimate. He said that way you could plan much better. He would <br /> actually like to get a certain amount of mills put into a maintenance fund. Carlson <br /> stated the road budget for 1973 is $199392.04 and the estimated cost for road maintenance <br /> and repair is $29500.00. He said approximately $59000.00 from revenue sharing and a 1972 <br /> general fund carry-over would take care of the excess for the 1973 road plan. Motion made <br /> by Carlson, seconded by Lease that the council allocate $2500.00 for the following projects: <br /> 1. A. Geneva from Lake Blvd. to 145th. St. <br /> B. 145th St. from Geneva to Goodview <br /> C. Goodview from 145th St. to Egg Lake Road Total $400.00 <br /> 2. 140th St. from Keystone to Lake Plaisted 4000.00 <br /> 3. Goodview from 130th St. to 125th St. 1500.00 <br /> 4. Elmcrest from 129th St. to end of road 2500.00 <br /> 5. 155th St. from Irish Ave. to Ingersoll 2800.00 <br /> 6. "180th. St. from Foxhill :to Fenway 900.00 <br /> 7. 165th St. from Hwy #61 to Fenway 2000.00 <br /> 8, Forest Road from 175th St. to 180th St, 1000.00 <br /> 9. Ingersoll from Co. Rd. #4 to 172nd St. 3000.00 <br /> 10, 177th St. from Harrow to Henna 1000.00 <br /> 11. Janero Ave. No. from 122nd St. to Grant TWSP. 860.00 <br /> 12, 125th St. from Goodview to Hilo 2000.00 <br /> 13. 132nd St. from Harrow to Henna 1000.00 <br /> 14, 132nd St. from Ingersoll to Isleton 1000.00 <br /> 15. Ethan and 129th St. from Elmcrest to 126th St. 1000.00 <br /> 24960.00 <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Pam Bjorum questioned whether money had been set aside for dust control., as she has had <br /> several complaints regarding same. Howard Kuusisto stated that $500.00 had been set <br /> aside for this. <br /> Regarding development of the central business district, Pam stated this probably would not <br /> happen until new business developes on the outskirts of town, as has happened in several <br /> other communities. Mayor Carlson stated it is very important to develope the business <br /> district to coincide with the comprehensive village plan. He plans to discuss the subject <br /> with the businessmen and will keep the council Jnformed as to his progress. <br /> Don Lease reported on the meeting held regarding the development of the Bald Eagle In <br /> du t- <br /> rial Park. Attorney Johnson, Engineer Kuusisto, Lease, LaValle, Ken Tschida, and some of <br /> the Industrial Park people attended. The Park people were told they would have to come up with <br /> approximately $25,000.00 in .order to hook up with the Metro Sewer Line. They will meet <br /> among themselves and report back to council. <br /> Dan Spitzer, vice chairman of the planning commission questioned whether building, permits <br /> could be given in the Industrial Park, and he was told these things should be granted <br /> on their own merits, and the commission should check the plans out carefully before ad- <br /> vocating anything. <br /> Recess called at 9:00 PM. Called back to order at 9:15 PM. <br />