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JUNE 119 1973 8 <br /> Mayor Carlson reported he had driven over the Shadyside area with a representative of <br /> Northern States Power Co., and discussed where street lights could be placed. Motion <br /> made by Carlson, seconded by Lease to authorize the installation of fifteen (15) new <br /> street lights in the Shadyside area — See attached map. Motion carried. Clerk's office <br /> to notify N.S.P. Co. <br /> A letter was then read from the Hugo Businessmen's Association wherein they advocated the <br /> appointment of Clyde Rehbein as a member of the planning commission, and Dan Spitzer as <br /> chairman of same. Pam Bjorum put forth the name of Bob Rosenquist to fulfill Graham <br /> Anderson's unexpired term, and Mayor Carlson brought out the name of Jack Deveney, Dan <br /> Spitzer thought there might be some conflict if Devney were chosen, as he is an attorney. <br /> Carlson thought he'd be an asset, as he is expertoon reading ordinances. Dan Spitzer men— <br /> tioned the names of Jim Houle, and Vern Peloquin, as they also would be interested. Pam <br /> stated that Rosenquist had told her he was very willing to put time and effort into the <br /> commission if he were chosen. Motion made by Pam and seconded to appoint Bob Rosenquist <br /> to fill unexpired term of Graham Anderson on the planning commission. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk's office to notify Mr. Rosenquist he had been appointed and to get sworn in by the <br /> clerk. <br /> Spitzer mentioned the planning commission is meeting June 13th to draw up a zoning map <br /> with the help of Bob Eidem. On June 21st they'll meet -and go over the 1967 Washington <br /> County Model Zoning code, and on June 28th, the commission would like to meet in a work <br /> session with the council on the same subject. <br /> It was stated that the HUD Grant Agreement documents had been signed and sealed and should <br /> be sent out immediately. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Bjorum to adopt Resolution #20, <br /> A Resolution Aughorizing Execution of Grant Agreement. Motion carried. It should be noted that <br /> a copy of the grant agreement documents is filed with the minutes of the June 11th meeting <br /> in the village clerk's office. <br /> A motion was made for adjournment, and Dan Spitzer spoke from the audience and questioned <br /> how long the planning commission was to run without a chairman. Mayor Carlson stated he hadn't <br /> planned on appointing a chairman until he saw how Spitzer and the commission worked out the <br /> comprehensive plan and the new zoning ordinance. He also stated that he didn't think the <br /> planning commission was running as smoothly as it should, getting as much work done as it <br /> should. Carlson said the ordinance committee and sewer and water committee had both done <br /> very good jobs, but he couldn't say the same for the planning commission. Spitzer stated <br /> he didn't think he had to prove his abilities at this late date, as he had a good record <br /> to stand on. He also said he wouldn't consider teing chairman now himself, as the mayor <br /> didn't feel he could do a good job. Lease and Bjorum felt the appointment should not wait <br /> any longer, and Lease wanted Spitzer to reconsider the possibility of the chairmanship if <br /> it is brought up at the next meeting. <br /> Regarding the John Elli subject, Howard Kuusisto is to try to locate sufficient monuments <br /> so fence can be taken down where the road should be. Motion made and seconded that Kuusisto <br /> find markers. Leroux abstained. Carried. Don Lease stated the fact that he'd like reports <br /> from village officers in sufficient time for council review before meeting. He said too <br /> much time is wasted on matters which could be reviewed beforehand. Motion made by Carlson, <br /> seconded by Lease to.,.authorize deputy clerk to have charge of all agenda items, which are <br /> to be in by the Wednesday before the meeting night. Motion carried. <br /> Motion.made and seconded to adjourn at 10:45 PM, <br /> Robert E. Burkard, Clerk �— <br /> City of Hugo <br />