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June 18, 1973 <br /> It was stated that the planning commission secretary needed help with his clerical work <br /> and the following action vas taken: Motion made by Leroux and seconded to authorize Jim <br /> Houle to hire whatever clerical help he needs at $62.50 per hour. Motion carried. <br /> Lease reported for the sewer committee that they and the engineer are going out in the field <br /> again to determine where sewer will go in back of the business district. <br /> Mayor Carlson then read a letter from Dan Spitzer whersinhe offered his resignation as <br /> vice chairman of the planning commission as of June 19, 19739 because he felt the mayor <br /> was dissatisfied with progress of the commission. A short discussion ensued where Lease <br /> questioned Spitzer whether he would reconsider, or if he would consider being chairman. <br /> Spitzer stated that he would consider being chairman. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by <br /> LaValle to appoint Dan Spitzer planning commission :chairman. Motion carried. <br /> The clerk's office had received only one bid or. squad car, tires from Countryside Center <br /> as a cost of $6224.00. The Council asked Ken Granger's opinion on two types of tires and the <br /> following action was taken:. Motion made by Bjorum and seconded to authorize police chief to <br /> purchase four tires for the squad car at a cost of $225.00. Motion carried. <br /> Regarding sewer in the Industrial Park, a letter had been recieved from Starmold with a <br /> letter of credit from their bank guaranteeing their share ($6000.00 for sewer hookup. LaValle <br /> said that it was specifically stated to those people that they should not act individually, <br /> but should get $25,000.00 together•.and then contact the village regarding sewer hookup. <br /> Attorney Johnson to send letter to those involved regarding same. <br /> LaValle stated he had contacted Washington County Highway Department regarding their <br /> taking over Elalcrest Avenue as a County Road, and they didn't even want to discuss the <br /> matter. Right now they have no intentions whatsoever regarding Elmcrest. <br /> Clerk Burkard reportedihis office had received a letter from Washington County saying they <br /> had adopted a resolution regulating access driveways on County roads. Burkard felt the <br /> building inspector should have a copy of the information for his files. <br /> Bi=kard also reported there would be an increase in costs of PERA effective July 1, 1973. <br /> The fire department bids were brought up again, and Howard. Kuusisto was of the opinion that <br /> the village should readvertise, as there is no chassis to put the equipment on. Motion <br /> made by Carlson, and seconded to authorize village attorney to set up bids for publication <br /> for chassis for a pumper and tanker. Motion carried. Attoryney is to send his information to <br /> the clerk's office. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Bjorum to adjourn at 11:20 PM . <br /> � I <br /> Robert E. Burkard, Clerk �- <br /> Village of Hugo <br />