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JULY 29 1973 MINUTE'S OF TIE PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL VILLAGE OF HUGO 49 3 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Mayor Carlson. Roll was called: Carlson, <br /> Leroux, Bjorumq Lease present. LaValle absent. (He arrived five minutes later) <br /> The minutes of the June 18th meeting were approved as presented. The general and water <br /> department claims were approved as presented. <br /> Mayor Carlson read a proclamation declaring August 39 4, and 5 St. John's Playground <br /> Horse Show Days. <br /> It was stated that the Hugo Comprehensive Plan will go before more Metro Committees on <br /> Thursday, July 5. <br /> Clerk Burkard reportedthat Washington County has started a Junk Car Program whereby a <br /> canvasser appointed by the council would get in contact with comers, asking if they would <br /> like the County to pick up their junk cars. The County does not charge for this service, <br /> and the owner would not be paid for the junk car. <br /> The clerk's licenses and permits were next on the agenda. Motion made by Carlsong seconded <br /> by Bjorum to renew Dave Lindahl's mobile home permit for 90 days. Motion carried. Motion <br /> made by Carlson, seconded by Lease to renew Joe Zaspel's mobile home permit for 90 days. <br /> Motion carried. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Bjorum to renew Lyle Lehner's mobile <br /> home permit for 90 days. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard repbrtedthat a Mr. Ed Walker had applied for a permit to work on village <br /> water lines and paid a fee of $10.00 with the application. Motion made by Carlson, <br /> seconded by Lease to grant Ed Walker a plumbing license to work on village water lines. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Pam Bjorum reported for the Ordinance Committee that they have not been working on any— <br /> thing specific lately. <br /> Dan Spitzery chairman of the Planning Commission repartedthat Harley Johnson had been appoint— <br /> e d vice chairman of same. Spitzer also reported that the commission had met on June 21st and <br /> worked extensively on a zoning map# and Attorney Johnson is working on �a, new zoning ordinance. <br /> The council and planning commission will meet together on July 12th to do further work on <br /> zoning. <br /> Lease reported for the Utilities Committee that they met last week and walked over the bus— <br /> iness area and will meet again July 12th to decide on a line for the sewer in that area. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by LaValle to authorize Kuusisto Engineering to do soil <br /> boring in the village as indicated on a map presented to the council by Kuusisto. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> It was stated that bids for fire truck and tanker chassis had been readvertised. LaValle <br /> stated that now there is a problem regarding lettering. Attorney Johnson is to send the <br /> clerk's office an adendum to the notice of bid specification to go out with each bid. <br /> Howard Kuusisto stated that Barton Construction intends to apply for a mining permit. <br /> Clerk's office to send them an application. <br /> Mr. Kuusisto also said a little more money would be needed to get dust control down on the <br /> critical village roads. <br /> Motion made by Leasee seconded by Leroux to authorize village clerk to inform by letter <br /> Minnesota Pipeline of the council's opinion regarding their proposed line through the village. <br /> Motion carried. The engineer and attorney are to give their recommendations to the clerk. <br />