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1973.07.02 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1973 CC Minutes
1973.07.02 CC Minutes
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JULY 29 1973 r <br /> Regarding sewer easements, Kuusisto stated it might be necessary to have appraisals of <br /> land for the easements. Attorney Johnson said he had discussed the problem with some <br /> people already, and they were willing to give easements at no charge, but he'd like to be <br /> armed with appraisals if he encountered trouble with some people. He is to suggest names of <br /> certified appraisers to the council by the July 16th meeting. <br /> Jerry Dube, Road Superintendent, started his report by saying that in..his opinion, the <br /> whole village should be dust controlled, and he estimated another one thousand dollars <br /> would be sufficient. He said this money could be taken from one of the other road pojects. <br /> LaValle agreed, saying he had had several calls regarding dust control. Thb was thought <br /> to be alright with the council, and Dube is to proceed with the,project. <br /> Dube also stated all of the road projects had been estimated, and most quotations were in <br /> line with the engineer's figures. He also mentioned the fact that weeds along village ditches <br /> should be mowed, as they ,are causing problems at intersections and corners regarding <br /> visibility. LaValle statedthat Mahtomedi has a mower for sale at approximately $1500.00. <br /> Dube said that renting one would be approximately the same cost. LaValle and Dube to check <br /> into this matter. <br /> It was also reported that the road grader needed rebuilding, and as this is allowed for in <br /> the budget, Dube will probably have it taken care of this Fall. <br /> Don Lease mentioned he had heard complaints concerning Dube's keeping the truck outside <br /> at night. Dube said it was inconvenient for the Police Dept. to get gags from the Town Hall <br /> with the truck parked there, and it's more convenient for himself to park it at his home. <br /> over night. <br /> The council next asked a few questions of Attorney Johnson regsrding his written report, <br /> a copy of which they had received earlier. <br /> Clerk Burkard then reported the following: The Secretary of State had received the village's <br /> letter regarding the additional liquor license for the village; the new population figure <br /> for the village is 3535 as of April 1, 1973; and his office had received information regard— <br /> ing a proposed gas franchise from the Joint Minnesota Gas Rate Regulatory Board. <br /> Along with his written report, Police Chief Gunderson stated that Len Stanton had resigned <br /> from the force as of June 20, 1973. Gunderson would like to look for someone to replace <br /> him. <br /> Planning Commission items were next on the agenda. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Lease to approve land division of Charles Shubat for <br /> East 2 of South L of Section 32, Township 31N, Range 21 W. Washington County, into 9 parcels <br /> as shown on the registered land survey submitted by Mr. Shubat. Motion carried. <br /> Discussion was held on the Grace Development land division and it was stated that Grace <br /> Development should being to the clerk's office a registered land survey before the council <br /> will approve the land division. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux that the application for a zoning variance by <br /> Joe Gamboni be denied. Motion carried. The planning commission thought there were other <br /> ways the applicant could add to his home other then adding on the front. <br /> The next item was an application by Royal Tool and Engineering for a Special Use: Permit <br /> for a commercial building in the industrial park. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by <br /> Bjorum to grant a special use permit to Royal Tool and Engineering to be located in the <br /> Bald Eagle Industrial Park, lying South of the North line of Sec. 319 Twsp. 31N, Range 21W, <br /> except the East 150 feet thereof subject to and reserving a 33 foot easement along <br /> the North line, for a commercial building to be used as a tool and die shop subject to <br /> installation of proper sewage disposal system. Motion carried. <br />
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