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JULY 29 1973 -7 <br /> Motion made by Lease and seconded to table items of McCullough, Perzichille, Grace i <br /> Development, and Dan Spitzer until the July 16th meeting. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux to grant Len Noack a junk yard license on the <br /> property described as North 100 feet of SW-41 of NE-41 and that part of South 40 rods of SW-''--- <br /> of NPS= lying Easterly of right of way of the Northern Pacific Railway Co., Sec. 8, TWSP. <br /> 31 N. Range 21 W. Washington County. Motion carried. <br /> Recess called at 9:30 PM. Called back at 10:00 PM. <br /> Village assessor Ed Leroux stated that in order for him to maintain his job as assessor, <br /> he would have to go to assessor's school for a period of three weeks. Motion made by Carlson, <br /> seconded by Bjorum to authorize the village assessor to attend assessor school for three <br /> weeks at a rate of $25.00 per day, and 9¢ per mile. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Lease to cash CD's #2360 and #1932 for general fund <br /> totaling $6,000.00. Motion carried. <br /> Norm Horton appeared next regarding his obtaining a junk yard license. Motion made by <br /> Carlson, and seconded to grant Norm Horton a junk yard license subject to conditions of <br /> his special use permit and subject to his obtaining an $8000.00 performance bond within <br /> 30 days. Motion carried. <br /> Mary Miron appeared before council regarding a land division which had been denied by the <br /> planning commission because one parcel had less than the required 300feet of road frontage. <br /> The survey of this land division is to be redone showing correct lines, and then can be <br /> approved. Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Lease to table Mary Miron land division until <br /> July 16th meeting. Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Ted Spears of Advanced Fiberglass appeared regarding obtaining a special use permit <br /> for remodling and enlarging their present facility in the Bald Eagle Industrial Park. He <br /> had a map showing the area and explained his plans to the council. This was brought before <br /> the council without going to the planning commission because Spears had a contract committ— <br /> ment to start work July 2nd., and he didn't know he had to have a specail use permit. The <br /> fact was mentioned that if the planning commission were passed up on this problem, other <br /> people would expect the same treatment. Mr. Bill Schwab had not gotten out to check the <br /> property last week, but would go this week. It was decided that Bill Schwab and Howard <br /> Kuusisto should have their recommendations ready for the meeting between the council and <br /> planning commission on July 12th. Dan Spitzer was opposed to this, as he felt Advanced <br /> Fiberglass should go through a regular planning commission meeting. Motion made by Lease, <br /> seconded by Carlson that the planning commission hold a special meeting on July 12th to <br /> provide recommendations for Advanced Fiberglass by the council meeting on the 16th. Carlson, <br /> LaValle, Lease, Bjorum for. Leroux opposed. Motion carried. <br /> Mayor Carlson stated that he had received a request for road maintenance on 120th Street. <br /> The council did not favor this request. <br /> Pam Bjorum mentioned that Charlie Kyle didn't care to take care of the gopher bounty after <br /> July 15th. Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Lease to have goper bounty taken care of in <br /> the clerk's office for the rest of 1973. Motion carried. Motion made by Leroux, seconded by <br /> Bjorum to authorize $100.00 for gopher bounty. Motion carried. <br /> LaValle mentioned that there is still a problem with the sewer hookup in the industrial <br /> park. There had been a misunderstanding as to how money would be handled and who would <br /> be involved. The park people are to get together regarding fees and are to meet again with <br /> Lease, LaValle, Attorney and Engineer regarding the escrow account. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Bjorum to adjourn at 11:50 PM. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Robert ukk , uierx <br />