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JULY 16, 1973 1() 1 <br /> 5. The number of 42 employees presently engaged by the firm shall not be increased until <br /> public sanitary sewer is available or until proof of adequate private installation is <br /> furnished to the council. Carlson, LaValle, Bjorum, Lease for. Leroux opposed. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Police Chief Richard Gunderson reported that he had found a man to replace Len Stanton as <br /> a part time officer. M,®tion made by LaValle, seconded by Carlson, that village hire Robert <br /> C. Barth Sr. as a part time police officer for the village of Hugo. Motion carried. <br /> Gunderson also reported that former street and road superintendant, Jerry Dube was interest— <br /> ed in working for the department as .a, part time officer once day a week. Motion made by <br /> Carlson, seconded by LaValle to hire Gerald Dube as a part time police officer for the <br /> Village of Hugo. Motion carried. <br /> Attorney Johnson had prepared, a draft of a proposed sanitary sewer development agreement <br /> between the village and the industrial park property owners, which he discussed with the <br /> council. He mentioned that a member of the council should be appointed to coordinate matters <br /> with the Metro Sewer Board. Motion made by Caxlson, seconded by Leroux that village attorney <br /> be instructed to complete draft of sanitary sewer development agreement and furnish copies <br /> to proerty owners in the industrial park, with the money from owners being held in clerk's <br /> office. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Bjorum, seconded by Leroux that clerk and mayor be authorized to sign sanitary <br /> sewer development agreement and money be deposited in the First State Bank of Hugo. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Bjorum to appoint Don Lease and Joe Marier to attend <br /> meeting with the Metro Sewer Board regarding the Bald Eagle Industrial Sewer. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Howard Kuusisto reported that soil boring areas for the village sewer system are staked out <br /> and will be completed shortly. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported a drainfield is needed for the pumphouse. He had received a quote <br /> from LaValle Excavating at $2.75 a foot for 50 feet of drainfield. Burkard also mentioned <br /> the chlorinating pump needs repair. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Lease that water <br /> superintendant have a drainfield put in for the pumphouse, have chlorinating pump repaired, <br /> and put a new lock on the pumphouse doors. Motion carried. <br /> The subject of a cold air duct for the police office was brought up, and Marvin LaValle <br /> said he had been told by the installer of the air conditioner this was not feasible, as <br /> there was no air return in the office. At the present time there is no money in the budget <br /> for a window unit either. <br /> Pam Bjorum reported she had received a complaint about the excessive speed limit on County <br /> 8 in front of the Withrow School, and she was curious as to the procedure to take care of <br /> the matter. Motion made by Bjorum, seconded by Carlson to have clerk's office send letter <br /> to the Washington County Highway Department regarding lowering the speed limit on County <br /> Road 8 (122nd. Street) between Jody Avenue and Keystone Avenue, in front of the Withrow <br /> School. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded to appoint police chief as junk car canvasser for the village. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Street and road superintendant Jerry Dube had given a letter of resignation to the council <br /> effective July 20th, as he is starting a new job. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Lease <br /> to accept Gerald J. Dube's resignation as street and road superintendant effective July <br /> 20th, and that he be paid any vacation pay due as of that date. Motion carried. <br />