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JULY 16, 19"T5 <br /> Don Lease mentioned Marvin LaValle has been talking with Washinton County regarding <br /> taking over village -road. maintenance. Lease suggested for the time being that Tom LaValle <br /> be asked to contract for the job'. Motion made by Lease, seconded by Bjorum to appoint Marvin <br /> LaValle to investigate a contract with the County and report back to the c ouncil on his <br /> findings. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported the following: His office received an "Actual Use Report" from <br /> Revenue Sharing which has to be filled out and returned, McCullough Well Drilling had not <br /> been taking out permits before they drilled wells. He sent them a letter, and as yet situation <br /> has not been corrected. We have received another revenue sharing check in the amount of <br /> $2725.00, and checks for government aid for $9471.29 and personal property exemption re— <br /> imbursement for $110.30 have been received. <br /> Burkard mentioned he had received complaints regarding two vacant properties in the village <br /> where grass has been let grow and junk piled up. He suggested the village health officers <br /> correct the situation. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by LaValle that Clerk ascertain who <br /> owns the properties and inform health officers Lease and Leroux. Carlson, LaValle, Leroux, <br /> Bjorum for, Lease opposed. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Bjorum that clerk's office put ad in White Bear Press, <br /> Forest Lake Times, and Peach for a planning c omnission secretary. Carlson, Leroux, Bjorum, <br /> Lease for, LaValle opposed. Carried. Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 12:00 AM. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> obert F. Burkard, Clerk <br />