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ShYP'TIBER 179 1"-,"13 <br /> Applications were next on the agenda, with the following action taken: Motion made by <br /> Carlson, seconded by LaValle to approve garbage pick up application for Suburban Pick Up. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, and seconded to approve garbage pick up application for Bellaire <br /> Sanitation. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Bjorum to grant Edwin Maas application for Village <br /> water service at cost of ;400.00. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported that a petion had been received by his office regarding the George <br /> King property. His office had sent a nuisance abatement notice to the executrix of the <br /> estate, and her attorney sent back a letter requesting a 30 day delay in the matter to <br /> gather more information. Apparently there is no money in the estate to take of cleaning <br /> the place up. A suggestion was made to tear down the buildings, and attorney Johnson <br /> said this would not be advisable. Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Carlson to send <br /> 2nd nuisance abatement notice to George King estate to have them clean place up by October <br /> 79 1973. Motion carried. <br /> Charles Johnson had drafted an amendment to the Intoxicating Liquor Ordinance # 102 which <br /> he gave to council for their review. He stated that the village could accept applications <br /> for the 6th liquor license before February of 1974. Motion made by Leroux, seconded by <br /> Bjorum to adopt Ordinance # 113 amending Ordinance # 1029 and waive reading of the ordinance. <br /> Carlson, Leroux, Bjorum for, LaValle and Lease opposed. Motion carried. <br /> The subject of Dave Lindahl came up and Lease suggested sending the police chief to give <br /> citation for expired building permit and mobile home permit. Motion made by Carlson, seconded <br /> by Bjorum to request police c hief to cite Dave Lindahl for violation of mobile home <br /> ordinance, with clerk's office returning Mr. Lindahl's check for $10.00. Carlson, Bjorum, <br /> for, LaValle, Leroux, and Lease opposed. Motion failed. Motion made by Carlson, seconded <br /> by LaValle, to have clerk's office notify Lindahl by letter that he is in violation of the <br /> mobile home ordinance, and he must remove his trailer within ten days. Motion carried. <br /> (Copy of letter to be sent to Bldg. Inspector and Police Chief) <br /> It was brought up that a new tennis court had been provided for the village by the Hugo <br /> Businessmen, and now the village should provide a fence for the court. Mayor Carlson stated <br /> he had thought a fence would cost approximately $3000.00. Lease stated he would not vote <br /> for such an expenditure. Motion made by Lease, seconded by Bjorum to table tennis court <br /> fence matter until the October 1st meeting. Lease, Bjorum, Leroux for, Carlson and LaValle <br /> opposed. Motion carried. <br /> Charles Johnson reported that Minnesota Pipeline Co. had sent a certified check in the <br /> amount of $2000.00 and also their insurance certificate. Motion made by Carlson, seconded <br /> by LaValle to accept certified check from Minnesota Pipeline Co. in lieu of required bond. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Regarding Clyde Rehbein's requesting reimbursement, attorney Johnson stated he could not <br /> recommend making any payment on the bill. No further action was taken by the c omail on the <br /> matter. <br /> Leroux stated a party is apparently selling mobile home trailers on Highway #61 near Co. Road <br /> #4. She said she will look into the matter. <br /> Norm Horton had been in contact with attorney Johnson regarding his required bond, according <br /> to a statement made by Johnson, and it was brought out the Mr. Horton found it impossible to <br /> obtain a bond. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by LaValle to waive bond requirement for Norm <br /> Horton. Motion carried. Deputy Clerk to retype Attachment "A" and send along with special <br /> use permit and junk yard license to Horton. <br />