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1973.09.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1973 CC Minutes
1973.09.17 CC Minutes
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SEPT i- ]R 179 1973 <br /> �:3 <br /> Don Brandanger appeared before the council regarding his obtaining a special use permit <br /> for a dog kennel. LaValle questioned 1.7r. Brandanger as to how much land he owned, and it <br /> was stated he had 12.7 acres next to the Andy Goiffon farm. Motion made by LaValle, seconded <br /> by Bjorum to grant Special Use Permit to Donald Brandanger for a dog kennel at 8478 14711th <br /> Street in the village, subject to conditions set forth by the planning commission. More <br /> discussion was then held on the matter. Mr. Brandanger mentioned that he wouldn't be able <br /> to have a kennel built this year anymore as planned, and would have to use his insulated, <br /> heated garage until spring. Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Leroux to amend the pre— <br /> vious motion to add that the dog kennel be constrrated by July 1974, and until such time, <br /> Mr. Brandanger can use his garage for kennel purposes. Motion carried. <br /> Next item on the agenda was the Richard Vail Evergreen Hills 2nd and 3rd Additions. <br /> Engineer Howard Kuusisto reported he had met with Mr. Bill Schwab and they reviewed <br /> the whole area according to soil. They reached an agreement on new lot lines. Previously <br /> there were 28 lots, now there are 23. Howard . stated that now both the 2nd and 3rd <br /> additions have all buildable.'.lots. Mayor Carlson asked Vail if he was planning on putting <br /> in bituminous streets and Vail stated he had conceeded five lots at a cost of $25,000.00 <br /> and he'd like the council to conceed and let him put in gravel roads. The planning <br /> commission is to check over the new drawings on September 26 and a decision should be made <br /> by the council at the October 1st council meeting. The planning commission is also to <br /> draw up conditions for acceptance of Vails plans. <br /> Mayor Carlson had drafted recommendations for hiring a village coordinator, contracting <br /> to White Bear Lake for sewer services, and lowering property taxes in the village, copies <br /> of which he gave the council while he explained in detail. The council discussed this at <br /> some length, and Bjorum questioned the mayor whether hiring a coordinator would mean firing <br /> Mr. Burkard, Mayor Carlson stated that "replacing" would be a better word. Both Bjorum <br /> and Leroux didn't think hiring a coordinator was necessary. Regarding the contracting to <br /> White Bear Lake for sewer services, Leroux wondered if Hugo would always be a step—child <br /> to White Bear. She felt Hugo should have its own mari grow into the sewer job for the village. <br /> LaValle said he'd like to know more about the contracting. Motion made by Carlson, seconded <br /> by LaValle the village of Hugo attempt to negotiate with the City of White Bear Lake for <br /> Sewer and Water Maintenance Services. Carlson, LaValle, Lease, Bjorum for, Leroux opposed. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Lease that the village advertise for a village coordinator <br /> in the Minneapolis and St. Paul newspapers. Carlson, LaValle, Lease for, Bjorum and <br /> Leroux opposed. Motion carried. <br /> Dan Spitzer made mention of the fact that the planning commission by—laws had been amended <br /> to state the commission will meet the 2nd Tuesday and 4th Wednesday (if necessary) of each <br /> month. <br /> Recess called at 10:20 PM. Called back to order at 10:45 PM. <br /> It was brought out that there had been a work session scheduled for work on the 1974 budget <br /> on September 25th, but as the public hearing on zoning had been continued to that date, the <br /> work session would have to be rescheduled. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux to <br /> reschedule the work session for budget on September 27th at 7:00 PM at the village hall. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Howard Kuusisto next reported that approval with a few revisions, was obtained on the village <br /> sewer system from HUD. Also, Howared, attorney Johnson, and some members of the village <br /> council had met with the Metro Sewer Board and their engineer to discuss the Industrial <br /> Park situation. The sewer proposed for the park is being prepared in a proposal form. <br /> Regarding the village system, Charles Johnson stated work on easements should be complete <br /> in approximately two months. There is a possibility of taking bids on the sewer in the <br /> industrial park in October. <br />
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