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OCTOBER 19 1973 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF TIE VILLAGE COUNCIL VILLAGE OF HUGO <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM by Mayor Carlson. Roll was called: Carlson, <br /> LaValle, Leroux, Bjorum present. Lease arrived at 7:10 P11, <br /> Minutes of the September 17th meeting were approved as presented. The general claims for <br /> payment were approved as presented. There was an addition in the water department claims of <br /> $25.24 for PERA, after,rich they also were approved as corrected. <br /> First itme on the agenda was the 1974 Budget. Motion made by Carlsont seconded by Lease to <br /> adopt Resolution # 25, a resolution certifying annual levy to the 09 my auditior, amount <br /> being $489211.88 for general levy. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Planning items were then taken up. First was a land division for Wayne Bjorum. Motion made <br /> by Carlson and seconded to approve land division for Wayne Bjorum, Carlson, LaValle, Leroux, <br /> Lease for Bjorum abstained. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux to approve minor subdivision of Dennis K. Strand— <br /> berg, subject to a $50.00 parkland fee. Motion carried. <br /> Pam Bjorum stated for the ordinance committee that Vern Peloquin and Connie Crever had <br /> resigned from same. <br /> Dan Spitzer stated that the planning commission will attempt to revise the zoning ordinance <br /> and map at their regular meeting October 9th, Mayor Carlson asked Spitzer why they were <br /> thinking of putting a consentrated business district zone on the block where the feed mill <br /> is located. Spitzer said that is an area where consentrated business is already located. <br /> Engineer Howard Kuusisto reported that the Metro Sewer Board had approved the comprehensive <br /> sewer plan for the village and the industrial park sewer plan , also. He suggested taking bids <br /> for the industrial park on October 30th. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by LaValle that <br /> the village council request bids for the Bald Eagle Industrial Park Sewer Project according <br /> to specifications of the village engineer, and subject to PCA and Metro Sewer Board approval. <br /> Bids to be opened at the Hugo village hall at 2200 PM, October 30th. Motion carried <br /> unaimously. <br /> Howared had supplied a written report, copies of which were given to the council for their <br /> review. Lease asked questions regarding Royalhaven Estates, which were answered by Howard. <br /> It appears that a change in the plat should be made. <br /> Regarding Advanced Fiberglass, Howard said they had not submitted complete drainage plans. <br /> Lease stated this should be required of them or problems will develop in the future. Attorney <br /> Charles Johnson stated that he had not yet seen their proof of ownership. The deputy clerk <br /> was advised to inform them by letter to submit proof of ownership, they are in violation of <br /> ordinance, and they still don't have a special use permit. <br /> Irene Leroux reported she had tried to contact L & W Trailer Sales, but was unable to reach <br /> anyone. <br /> Clerk Burkard then reported that Crimsoncross Kennel requests an increase in fees starting <br /> January 1, 1974. <br /> He also stated a letter had been receivedLfrom NSP Co. informing the village that street <br /> lights had been installed in the Oakshore Park area. Mr. Burkard then informed the council <br /> that Mr. Vern D. Johnson from the League of Minnesota Municipalties would be in our area <br /> Thursday, October 11th and would be willing to ansewer any questions governing bodies might <br /> have. The clerk then stated he had attended two sewer meetings; one in Falcon Heights, where <br /> they discussed a proposed five year sewer plan, with an interceptor coming through <br /> Mohtomedi area which would affect Grant Township; and one in North St. Paul, where they discuss <br /> ed policy, and changes, and a SAC increase. <br /> Theodora Peltier was scheduled to be on the agenda with a ditch estimate, but said she was <br /> unable to obtain it yet. <br />