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OCTOBI-,,R 19 1973 = ' <br /> The council then discussed fence for the tennis courts. LaValle said the cheapest bid for a <br /> fence was $3600.00. Lease suggested putting $1000.00 of capitol improvement money toward <br /> the fence. (revenue sharing money ). It was decided that $1950.00 could be put toward the <br /> fence with the Hugo Businessmen paying the remainder. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by <br /> Leroux to authorise $1950.00 to be spent in construction of a tennis court fence, with <br /> ; 1000.00 being taken from Revenue Sharing Fluid, and remaining $950.00 to be taken from the <br /> village capitol improvement fund. Motion carried. <br /> Recess called at 9:05 PM. Called back to order at 9:30 PM. <br /> Sherrif Ed Westphal appeared before the council to discuss a countywide investigative unit. <br /> He stated he had received permission to apply for a Federal Grant for crime investigation, <br /> and would like to add eight people to his staff of five. The grant would include eight men, <br /> two office girls, and a mini bus crime lab for crime scene searched. Mr. Westphal said the <br /> first year 9096 would be funded by the Federal Government, 5Y6 by State and 5% by County. <br /> By the fourth year, it should all be taken care of by C ounty funds. He said Anota County <br /> already has their grant, and Washington County would be the second one in the state to get <br /> the grant. Pam Bjorum questioned which villages were against this proposal. It was stated <br /> that Stillwater, and Woodbury had chosen to speak out against it. LaValle questioned whether <br /> this would be assessed back to the villages. Mr. Westphal said the county would take care of it <br /> Sherrif wanted a resolution of support sent to the Washington County Commissioners. Motion <br /> made by Carlson, seconded by Bjorum to have the clerk's office send a letter to the Washington <br /> County Commissioners stating that the Village of Hugo approves of the Washington County <br /> Investigative Unit as described by Sherrif Ed Westphal. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Richard Vail appeared next regarding obtaining approval for his 2nd and 3rd additions. Motion <br /> made by Carlson, seconded by LaValle to approve Evergreen Hills 2nd Addition subject to <br /> recommendation from the planning commission dated September 26, 1973, and Evergreen Hills <br /> 3rd Addition also subject to conditions set by the planning commission on September 26, 1973. <br /> There was some discussion following this motion regarding a road to be put in by Vail. Vail <br /> said he would like to build the road immediately, but the council wanted him to wait to put <br /> on bituminous surface. Previous motion was then amended as follows: Motion made by Carlson, <br /> seconded by Bjorum to add as a third condition the posting of a necessary road bond to be <br /> determined by the village engineer. Motion carried. Motion made by Carlson and seconded to <br /> again amend motion to add a fourth condition that proof of title be submitted. Motion carried. <br /> Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Aroand appeared regarding questions about their subdivision conditions. <br /> They paid the clerk's office $1240.00 for park land as required, and also $8000.00 as ass— <br /> urance that a road would be built. <br /> A letter was received by the clerk from the Metro Sewer Board regarding a deferred payment <br /> of $189493.71 cost allocation for the Metro Interceptor. The mayor suggested having Don <br /> Lease work on the matter and set up a meeting with the Metro officials. <br /> Motion made and seconded to certify delinquent water bills to the county auditor for collec— <br /> tion. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson and seconded to adopt Resolution # 269 a resolution cancelling tax <br /> levy for municipal water bonds. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkaard reported he had been in contact with the attorney for the George King estate, <br /> and found that there is no money in the estate. They gave authorization though for the <br /> Village to clean the place charge it to the estate, and maybe someday collect. Mr. Burkard <br /> said the village can do this, and charge the cost plus 25% against the estate. Attorney <br /> Johnson is to look further into the matter. <br />