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1973.10.15 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1973 CC Minutes
1973.10.15 CC Minutes
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OCTOBER 159 1973 MINUTES OF PROIEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL VILLAGE OF HUGO <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Mayor Carlson, Roll was called: Carlson, <br /> LeValleq Leroux present. Bjorn absent. Don Lease arrived at 7:10 PM. <br /> Minutes of the meeting of October lot were approved as presented. <br /> General Claims and Water Department Claims were approved after review. <br /> Clerk Burkared reported that a check in the amount of $2795.00 had been received from <br /> Revenue Sharing. He knew $1000.00 had been earmarked for a tennis court fence, but wanted <br /> to know if the council would like to invest the remaining $1795.00. Motion made by LaValle, <br /> seconded by Leroux to invest $1795.00 in revenue sharing Roads in a three month certificate. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by LaValle to place $1357.52 in a special park fund account. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Mayor Carlson then reported that he had received a letter from the Metro Sewer Board stating <br /> the billing for usage next year would be approximately $2500.00. This information was given <br /> to Don Lease. <br /> Planning Commission Items were next on the agenda. Don Lease brought up a question concerning <br /> Oak Vista Estates, a new subdivision brought before the planning commission, and engineer <br /> Howard Kuusisto mentioned that he had visited the site. He stated the land was hilly and wet, <br /> and he didn't care for some things in the plan, e.g. driveways. <br /> Regarding the village sewer system, Howard reported that he had been out in the field, and <br /> a change in the alignment would be made by Traegerts resturant. <br /> A letter had been received in the clerk's office from Washington County Engineer Charles <br /> Swanson stating the county would have to know by November lot if Hugo wanted winter <br /> maintenance by the county. Marvin LaValle stated he had been working with the county on <br /> this, and would have a solution shortly. <br /> Attorney Charles Johnson stated dedication of the full length of 130th Street in the <br /> industrial park should take place shortly. <br /> He also reported that easements are progressing on the village sewer project. He and Marvin <br /> LaValle are going to be giving appraisals to the parties involved shortly. George Smith, <br /> the county appraiser has figured approximately $1000.00 per acre, and fractions thereof <br /> would be paid accordingly. The entire project would be approximately $9000.009 according to <br /> the appraiser. Motion made by Lease, seconded by Carlson to have attorney Charles Johnson <br /> and Marvin LaValle obtain sewer easements, and work within the guidelines of the appraisal. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Regarding Arcand's Estates subdivision, attorney Johnson stated things are proceeding <br /> saoothly. <br /> Regarding Richard Vail's Evergreen Hills 2nd Addition, attorney Richard Heineker had been <br /> working on details of the scenic easement. Dan Spitzer and attorney Johnson worked out <br /> some details also, and will send their version to Mr. Heineker for his review. <br /> Regarding Royal-haven Estates subdivision, Howard Kuusisto had set the road bond at $10,000.00. <br /> Discussion ensued on matters relating to the plan between Howard, Mr. Furlong and Mr. <br /> Schmidt, <br /> Maurice Gessner appeared before council concerning dividing a two and one halt acre piece out <br /> of his acreage for his daughter, He was told he would have to appear before the planning <br /> commission before the council would act on the matter. He gave his application, $40.00 fee, <br /> and two copies of the survey to the deputy clerk. Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Leroux <br /> to send minor subdivision application of Maurice Gessner to the planning commission. Motion <br /> carried. <br />
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