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October 159 1973 1.44 7 <br /> � <br /> Next item on the agenda was the village coordinator. Mayor Carlson stated there were forty <br /> six applications, and he felt about one half of these should be interviewed. LaValle stated <br /> he and Lease had looked over the applications and thought five were worth interviewing. More <br /> discussion followed. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by LaValle to have a special meeting <br /> to interview village coordinator applicants on October 25th, at 7:00 PM at the village hall. <br /> Carlson for, LaValle, Leroux, Lease opposed. Motion failed. Motion made by Carlson, seconded <br /> by LaValle to appoint a screening committee to conduct interviews for village coordinator <br /> applicants, consisting of Charles Johnson, Howard Kuusisto, Dan Spitzer, Don Lease, and <br /> Mayor Carlson. Motion carried. Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Leroux to appoint Charles <br /> Johnson as chairman of the interviewing committee. Motion carried. <br /> Bennett Goldberg appeared concerning his obtaining the same licenses and permits given to <br /> Nashville North, as he is purchasing the place. This matter is to be continued at the <br /> November 5th council meeting. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, and seconded to approve Job Order 31514 for Northwestern Bell Telephone <br /> on Hyde Avenue. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux to grant temporary mobile home permit to Joe Zaspel <br /> for a period of three months. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Lease to grant temporary mobile home permit to Robert <br /> McCloud for a period of three months. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Lease to grant a garbage collection license to Leonard <br /> Ayde dba Lake Sanitation. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease and seconded to authorize clerk to obtain surety bonds in the amount <br /> of $20,000 for project # 73-9U-172, and *10,000 for project # 73-9H-171. Motion carried. <br /> Police Chief Dick Gunderson appeared before council with a written recomendation to hire <br /> Mr. Robert C. Barth Sr. as a full time officer for the village. Mr. Barth is now a part <br /> time officer. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux to hire Robert Barth Sr. as a full <br /> time officer for the village effective January 1, 1974. LaValle questioned whether it was a <br /> legal requirement to advertise or accept other applications for the position. Charles Johnson <br /> stated he didn't think so, but would have to check into the matter. Motion made by LaValle, <br /> and seconded to table the matter until the first meeting in November. LaValle, Leroux, Lease <br /> for, Carlson opposed. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux to adjourn at 9:30 PM, Carlson, Leroux, Lease <br /> for, LaValle opposed. Motion carried. <br /> Robert E. Burkard, Clerk <br />