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NOVEMER 59 1973 14 1 <br /> submitted a bid of $28,343.00 and that the escrow fund of $269812.50 is insufficient for <br /> the project; 2. That the engineer had evaluated the bids and recommends that the contract <br /> go forward and that the owners be notified of the need for additional money to colter <br /> construction, reports, engineering inspection and legal expenses; 3. That the project will <br /> not proceed unless and until the property owners deposit an additonal $10,000.00 with the <br /> village clerk to be handled pursuant to the Sanitary Sewer Development Agreement. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> The engineer had also prepared a schedule for the village sewer system, which included <br /> advertising for bids the week of November 12th, Attorney Johnson mentioned he had a couple <br /> of problems regarding easements, and advertising for bids the week of November 12th would <br /> be cutting a bit close. Lease agreed. He stated he thought everything should be set before <br /> advertising for bids. Mr. Johnson stated that obtaining easements from some people would <br /> be difficult, because they lived out of town and things would have to be handled through <br /> the mail. Charlie Johnson also stated held prefer having a trust fund set up for the <br /> payment of easements at the time they are obtained. This matter is to be discussed again <br /> at the meeting of November 19th. <br /> Dan Spitzer reported for the planning commission that they will hold a work session on <br /> November 27th regarding the zoning ordinance. They will have a recommendation for the <br /> council shortly thereafter. He stated held like the council members there if possible. <br /> Charlie Johnson mentioned to Spitzer that Richard Vail would like to pay the village a park <br /> fund amount rather than making the scenic easement agreement. Motion made by Lease and <br /> seconded to amend agreement to take an additional $19100.00 from R. Vail rather than sign- <br /> ing the scenic easement agreement. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Bjorum to authorize NSP to install berried cable according <br /> to specifications of the village engineer on Hyde Avenue. Motion carried. <br /> It was stated that Mr. Vail had obtained a license bond rather than a performance bond and <br /> he will contact the agent and take out a correct performance bond instead. <br /> Motion made and seconded to grant a temporary mobile home permit to Gordon W. Russett under <br /> Paragraph C. Section II of Oneka Ordinance #8. Motion carried. <br /> Mayor Carlson stated that the screening committee had interviewed ten applicants out of <br /> approximately fifty for the position of coordinator. The committee then chose five to be <br /> further interviewed by the village council. Motion made by Carlson, and seconded to hold <br /> a speoial meeting November 14th at the village hall at 7:00 PM for the purpose of inter- <br /> viewing candidates for village coordinator. Motion carried. The deputy clerk to notify <br /> five applicants by letter of the time for their interviews, and to notify the applicants <br /> not chosen also. <br /> Recess called at 8:55 PM. Called back to order at 9:20 PM, <br /> Police Chief Richard Gunderson gave his written report to the council for thier review, <br /> along with a recomme:idation for the hiring of Robert Barth Sr. as a full time police officer <br /> for the village. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux to hire Robert Barth Sr. as a <br /> full time police officer starting January 1, 1974 at a salary of $99000.00 per year. Motion <br /> carried. Lease questioned Gunderson regarding Barth's attending BCA School. The chief stated <br /> he would try to get Barth in as soon as possible. <br /> Mayor Carlson read aloud honorable awards for officers Ted Peltier and Tom Davison. They <br /> had been on routine patrol on October 26, 1973 and followed a suspicious car, culminating <br /> in a speed chase up to 95 MPH, and the arrest of the suspect for auto theft. <br /> Clerk Burkard mentioned that Bennet Goldbergls applications should be acted upon. Motion <br /> made and seconded to have clerk retrun Mr. Goldbergis check in the amount of x2215.00 for <br /> licenses for Nashville North. Motion carried. <br />