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1973.11.19 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1973 CC Minutes
1973.11.19 CC Minutes
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NOVEKM 19, 1973 <br /> 15Q <br /> Russell Van Beek appeared before council regarding his septic tank effluent running out <br /> on the ground. Van Beek wanted to know who complained. Don Lease stated he had received <br /> complaints from neighbors, and he and the building inspector had visited the site and saw <br /> for themselves the problem, which still hasn't been solved. Vara Beek stated he just didn't <br /> have the money to fix the problem at one time. He's doing it little by little. Mr. Vara Beek <br /> was then asked by the council to correct the problem as soon as possible. <br /> Washington County's highway engineer, Charles Swanson appeared regarding a road and bridge <br /> maintenance contract between Washington County and Hugo. He gave copies of the contract to <br /> the council as he and Don Lease explained. He said they will do as much or as little <br /> maintenance as Hugo wants. He said there will be a special unit assigned to Hugo for their <br /> roads, and in case of a bad storm, other equipment could be brought in. He stated they <br /> have already set the village up in about fow snow plowing routes. They usually start <br /> plowing at four or five in the morning, and have all roads passed over by about saves. <br /> The Washington County Sheriff's office monitors the highway department frequency, which <br /> would help in emergencies. Mr. Swanson stated the county would like to buy the 1970 <br /> Chevrolet truck from the village at a cost of $5000.00, and they would like to keep the <br /> road grader at their garage, and pay Hugo rent for the time it is used. Theodora Peltier <br /> asked if they considered school bus routes when setting up plowing routes, and Mr. Swanson <br /> said that most of the village suds were school bus routes. Marvin LaValle stated he is in <br /> agreement with the contract. Mr. Swanson stated the contract would be renewable on May 1st, <br /> because at that time they would have firm figures on what the vehicles could operate on <br /> for the following year. Connie Crever thought Hugo should try this for a year to see how <br /> it works out. Pam asked Charles Johnson if he had adequate time to review the contract <br /> and he said he had. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by LaValle to adopt Washington County <br /> Road and Bridge Maintenance Agreement from November 1, 1973 until April 30s 19749 as <br /> specified by the contract. The ague of the truck listed in the contract is to be corrected, <br /> and Mr. Swanson will have three copies signed and send them on to Hugo for signatures. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Next item on the agenda was Norm Horton's special use permit. Fire Chief Ken Granger stated <br /> that on November 13th, he and his men spent five hours at the auto yard, four putting out <br /> fire and one cleaning up, In the last six months it has cost the village approximately <br /> $500.00 to put fires out at the yard. Ken said he would like to see fire lanes put in <br /> there, as was specified in the special use permit given to Mr. Horton, and also would like <br /> to see the weeds cleaned up. The man leasing the yard from Mr. Horton stated he's been <br /> trying to get fire lanes in the place, but doesn't want to go the expense of getting a <br /> big machine in there to do it. Don Lease said he is not in the parts business, but would <br /> think the yard would have a special place to cut transmissions out, not out back inthe dry <br /> grass and weeds. He said these people must have fire lanes, as fice is the main problem <br /> out there. Irene Leroux thought the council should go see the yard too see how many conditions <br /> of the special use permit have been met. She and the fire chief, and anyone else interested <br /> are to check on the matter. Marvin LaValle thought they should be given two weeks to get <br /> fire lanes open around the perimeter of the yared. Motion made by LaValle, seconded by <br /> Leorux to give owner and leasee two weeks, until December 3s 1973 to get fire lanes open ten <br /> feet wide around the perimeter of the yard. Motion carried. Mr. Horton is to get a letter <br /> to this effect. <br /> Next on the agenda was the village coordinator. Pam Bjorum stated she wanted to know more <br /> about a contract for utilities with White Bear before deciding anything on the coordinator. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Pam to table village coordinator until after the lot of <br /> the year. Council then held discussion on the matter. Irene mentioned that Mr. Burkard had <br /> been taking adequate care of the water department for fourteen years, and she thought work <br /> was going well in the clerk's office. Pam stated to mayor Carlson if he was going to make <br /> a motion to hire a coordinator, this would leave Bob out of a job, and who would take care <br /> of the water department until White Bear Lake would take over. Carlson stated Bob could <br /> stay on with the water department. <br />
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