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1973.11.19 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1973 CC Minutes
1973.11.19 CC Minutes
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NOVEMBER 199 1973 <br /> It was mentioned that specific duties have to be delegated to a village clerk, deputy <br /> clerk, or village manager, not a coordinator. Connie Crever, the mayor elect, stated he <br /> would be left "high and dry", without any experience in the clerk's office. There would <br /> be a million dollar contract causing questions to be asked, and the people will call the <br /> clerk's office for answers. He said Hugo doesn't need a coordinator now. George Bernier, <br /> treasurer for the village said he can't see it. Said there would be a new man here for at <br /> least six months without any knowledge of what is going on. Mr. Bernier also said there <br /> wouldn't be as much trouble with the new sewer as people thought. He said if there would <br /> be an emergency, someone could be found to help take care of the problem. Mr. Clarence Vail <br /> stated they would be better going with White Bear to start out, and then could get their <br /> own man if it didn't work out. <br /> Recess called at 10:20 PM. Called back to order at 10:40 PM. <br /> There was a motion on the floor to table the coordinator business until after the lot of the <br /> year and the vote was as follows: Bjorum, Leroux for, Carlson, Lease, LaValle opposed. Motion <br /> failed. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Lease to request the City of White Bear Lake to offer <br /> a firm contract supported by the village council, for sewer and water services to Hugo. <br /> Carlson, Lease, LaValle for, Leroux and Bjorum opposed. Motion carried. <br /> Charles Johnson stated obtaining easements for the sewer had been rather difficult, but is <br /> coming along. He would probably know by November 27th when we could advertise for bids. <br /> Attorney Johnson also mentioned that he and Don Lease had visited the Metro Sewer Board on <br /> November 16th. Lease stated he had been informed that if we are not tied in to the sewer <br /> next year, we don't have to pay the bill. On the $18,000.00 deferred bill, they would be will— <br /> ing to take money over a ten or fifteen year period, and we probably wouldn't have to make <br /> the first payment until 1975. Lease also questioned Metro on capacity, and was told not to <br /> worry about it. There would be no problem. Mayor Carlson mentioned he would like the sewer <br /> and water committee here on November 27th before the zoning meeting to inform them what is <br /> transpiring with the utilities. Motion made by LaValle, seconded to call a special meeting <br /> on November 27th at 7:00 PM. Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Dwayne Karma, a professional engineer, appeared before the council on behalf of the Bald <br /> Eagle Industrial Park owners regarding the additional $10,000.00 escrow the village requested <br /> of them. Mr. Karma stated that the property owners would like the additional money assessed, <br /> as some of them had overextended themselves in getting the first excrow amount together. <br /> He said it is a bad time of year for business, and most of the owners just don't have the <br /> money. He also felt the fifteen inch line could be reduced to twelve inch, thus saving <br /> $1942.00 in cost. Don Lease stated that some of these people expanded their businesses, <br /> knowing the problems they were creating. He said the village doesn't have $109000.00 to put <br /> Into this project with just the hope that the property owners will pay it back next year. <br /> He stated the council has had problem with Ken Tschida every time they have tried to work <br /> with him. LaValle questioned Mr. Karma whether he thought the people could come up with the <br /> money. Mr. Kasma stated, "Well, they want the sewer so bad they can taste it." It was decided <br /> that Mr. Karma would go back to the property owners and tell them they would have to come <br /> up with the money. <br /> Richard Vail had..requested his road in Evergreen Hills be maintained for snow plowing purposes <br /> only by the village, so the following action was taken. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by <br /> LaValle that village take over Ilyde Avenue in Evergreen Hills 2nd and 3rd additons for snow <br /> plowing only. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson and seconded that Hugo not put up Christmas light this year to conserve <br /> energy. Motion carried. <br />
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