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]ECEMBER 39 1973 <br /> Howard Kuusisto had prepared a written report which was sent to council, and which he <br /> verbally explained. He mentioned that the Bald Eagle Industrial Park is staked and ready <br /> for construction, which will probably begin on December 5th, <br /> Regarding Arcand's Estates, the contraotor is to inform Howard when he completes finishing <br /> touches on the new road. <br /> Attorney Johnson mentioned that the council had not taken any action on the Granger property, <br /> so the following was done. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Leroux that village attorney offer Granger's Body Shop <br /> and DX Service, Inc. $2000.00 for property for sewer and road right of way. Motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported on the following; The Bald Eagle Industrial Park Sewer Contracts <br /> were ready to sign. <br /> The contracts for road maintenance by Washington County were here for village signatures. <br /> His office had received state aid checks for firemens relief association and the police <br /> department fund. <br /> The businessmen intend to pay for their portion of the tennis court fence. <br /> The town hall should be closed for the winter months. He was told LaValle is working on this <br /> matter. <br /> James Wisner and the fire chief again brought up the subject of the fire com onication system. <br /> They had a proposal whereby the fire department would purchase three monitors, and the village <br /> purchase the decoder and six monitors, and the fire department wolAd have the equipment <br /> installed. Don Lease said he would like to learn more about the entire plan. It is to be <br /> brought up at the next council meeting. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Bjorum to adjourn at 11:45 PM. Motion carried. <br /> Robert E. Burkard, Village Clerk <br />