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DECEMBER 39 1973 <br /> in firemens homes at $194.00 each, for a total of $2022.00 to get started on the system. <br /> They also plan on obtaining two old police radios and converting them, to be connected to <br /> the Washington County Sheriffts office. <br /> Motion made by Carlson and seconded that fire chief investigate costs of setting up and <br /> maintaining new fire communication system. Motion carried. <br /> Regarding the Norman Horton special use permit, the fire chief stated he had inspected the <br /> property and cases and been removed from the fence, and plowing had been started in various <br /> spots, but is not completed. Marvin asked attorney Johnson if the council could "call in <br /> special use permits". Mr. Johnson said the council must have a public hearing for the porpose <br /> of cancellation or amendment of the permit, with a notice being sent to the permit holder of <br /> time and place. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux to schedule a public hearing on December 17th, <br /> at 8:00 PM to consider the revocation or amendment of the special use permit of Norman <br /> C. Horton Sr. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ridler appeared regarding their building s home on 170th Street, east <br /> of Highway 61. A building permit had been denied by the building inspector due to a high <br /> water table. It was stated that his percolation tests didn't pass, either. Mr. Ridler had <br /> sketched a sewage system plan which he said would work in a high water table. Mrs. Ri&ler <br /> stated that Lyle Dorr of the County, said they could mound dirt where they want to put the <br /> system, wait one year, and then put it in and it would work. It was noted that they have <br /> a chance of getting a building permit if they can get percolation tests to pass at some <br /> future date. <br /> Recess called at 905 PM. Called back to order at 10:00 PM. <br /> Police Chief Richard Gunderson had prepared a written report which he gave the council for <br /> their review. He stated he and Sargent Peltier had gone through a refresher course on police <br /> work, and now with Mr. Barth, Hugo will have four men certified by the state. <br /> Chief Gunderson recommended repair and extension of the gasoline hose at the town hall, <br /> and. LaValle is checking on the matter. <br /> Mayor Carlson read aloud commendation for Mr. Davidson and Mr. Peltier in regard to their <br /> fine police work on an aggravated assault case. <br /> The village attorney stated he has been working almost exclusiviely on the sewer easements. <br /> Concerning the Mike Doherty property, the owners would like $400.00 for their particular <br /> piece of land, and it was appraised at $200.00. Regxrding the Howard Moe property, there <br /> was no committment to sign up at any price. It was stated that the lift station c add be <br /> relocated on the Vern Peloquin property cheaper by buying less land. Construction costs <br /> could be saved by moving it also, although- the village engineer would have to recalulate <br /> the easement area. <br /> Motion made by Carlson and seconded to authorize village attorney to purchase property for <br /> sewer easement from Mr. Doherty at a cost of $400.00. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease and seconded to approve modification of sewer easement plan to change <br /> from Howard Moe property to Vern Peloquin property, with village attorney negotiating costs. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Johnson said he has also been negotiating on the property between Grangers DX and the <br /> Plumbing shop, which is approximately one half acre. The appraised value of $900.00 for one <br /> half acre is not acceptable to them. <br /> It was stated that deeds were delivered by Ken Tschida for the Industrial Park, and there <br /> were some discrepanceis in them. Clerk Burkard is to check with Mr. Tschida on the matter. <br />