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DECEMBER 17, 1973 <br /> Clerk Burkard reported that Mr. Horton had called the clerk's office and said he would be <br /> unable to attned the hearing due to an illness in his family. Don Lease reported that he,, <br /> Margin LaValle, and fire chief Ken Granger had made an inspection of the yard on December <br /> 15th, and only a small amount of work had been done to provide a fire break. There was no <br /> designated parking area as specified in the special use permit. Cars were stacked haphazzardly, <br /> tires were piled against a building, and tires, gas tanks, and a plastic jug of gas was <br /> found in one area. Lease stated ther were several violations. <br /> A Doctor Chapman from the .audience then asked how long the permit had been in existanoe, and <br /> if strong conditions were put on the permit. Dan Spitzer stated the planning commission had <br /> put very stringent conditions on the permit when it was issued in September. Doctor Chapman <br /> then said that on the basis of any infraction, the permit should be discontinsed. He said <br /> we are starting a complete desimation of Highway 61 and our countryvide. Marvin LaValle <br /> stated we're dealing with the wrong people, as Mr. Horton was not present, but only his <br /> leasees were. He stated it was Horton's responsibility to conform to the permit, not the <br /> leasee's. <br /> Mayor Carlson stated # 8 and # 11 of the conditions have not been met. Don Lease said # 6 <br /> had not been met either. Clarence Kopp, the leasee, stated there is a parking area for <br /> five or six cars, and he's been trying to move cars from the fence. <br /> Attorney Johnson stated therewere several options for the council to follow; carry the <br /> permit along as,if there were no violation, extend the time for the permit holder to oosryly <br /> with conditions, revoke permit for a certain time until conditions are met, or terminate <br /> permit indefinitely. Irene Leroux stated that Mr. Hdrton doesn't meet existing conditions, <br /> and he had been delaying this for a long time, and never seems to show up when asked. <br /> Motion made by Carlson to revoke speoail use permit of Norman C. Horton Sr. Necause # 8 <br /> and # 11 of the permit have not been complied with. La Valle stated this would put a <br /> hardship on the two men leasing from Mr. Horton. Lease said the yard could be closed at some <br /> future date. Carlson said this would mean another inspection to the yard. At this point Mr. <br /> Kopp said he had been moving gas tanks out, but could only move so many at one time. He <br /> was trying to do something with the tires also. Chief Granger stated that if an insurance <br /> agent were to visit the yard and see the tires stacked next to the buildings, their insur- <br /> anoe would be cancelled. Mayor Carlson said the conditions had been set in September and <br /> there had been adquate time to comply. <br /> Carlson again restated his motion to revoke special use permit of Norman C. Horton Sr. <br /> because # 8 and # 11 of the permit have not been complied with. Leroux seconded the <br /> motion. Motion carried. <br /> The village snow plow removal agreement with the Hugo Feed Mill came up for discussion. It <br /> was stated the charge this year would be $15.00 per hour instead of #14.00 like last year. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, and seconded to accept Snow Removal. Agreement with the Hugo Feed <br /> and Elevator Company. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported that a street and stop sign were needed for Hyde Avenue. LaValle <br /> mentioned that Richard Vail was responsible for street signs in that area of Evergreen Hills. <br /> LaValle will oontact Engineer C. Swanson of the Washington County Highway Dept* regarding <br /> the sAgns. <br /> Police Chief Gunderson appeared and stated Tom Davison had resigned from the part time police <br /> force on December 17th. Gunderson wanted permi ssj.on. to interview more applicants for the <br /> part time work. <br /> Motion made by Wallet seconded by Leroux to authorise police chief to take applications for <br /> part time police officers for the Village of Hugo. Motion carried. <br /> The chief mentioned that he had been advised not to set up a Police Relief Association, as <br /> it would interfere with PWA. <br />