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IECEMBER 17, 1973 <br /> 3 <br /> LaValle mentioned that Charles Johnson had been doing some work on titles with Washington <br /> County Abstract, and he wondered when they were to get paid. Johnson said he would send a <br /> letter to Washington County Abstract informing them the bill would be paid after the first <br /> of the year. <br /> Howard Kuusisto reported that Charles Johnson is beginning to see his way through the ease- <br /> ments. Howard also said the village could propably advertise for bids during the first week <br /> of January and receive bids about February 4th. He said a shortage of some materials is being <br /> found, so we should advertise as soon as we're able. <br /> It was noted that the Bald Eagle Industrial Sewer should be operational this week, and the <br /> clerk's office is to notify land owners of their need to pay SAC charges before December 318t. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, and seconded to grant Soft Drink License to Inter-state lumber Co. <br /> for $5.00. Motion carried. <br /> Fire Chief Ken Granger appeared again regarding obtaining a new fire communication system. <br /> He had contacted Motorola, and was told a decoder would cost $276.00, and each monitor would <br /> be about $194. Collins Electric could hook up the decoder for approximately $100.00. Ken <br /> said if the village would purchase the decoder and three monitors, the fire department would <br /> purchase three monitors. LaValle stated a limited amount should be purchased and see how the <br /> system works. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by LaValle to authorize $1000.00 to purchase decoder and its <br /> installation, and three monitors for the fire department. Motion carried. <br /> The question came up as-to whether license fees could be refunded to Joe Perzichilli, as he <br /> had given the clerk a letter requesting same. Mayor !Carlson didn't think fees could be re- <br /> funded, and Clerk Burkard said they could, as the licenses would not take effect until <br /> January 1, of 1974• <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by LaValle to have clerks office inform liquor control <br /> commissioner that Joseph Perzichille's Off Sale Liquor License was to be transferred to <br /> Pioneer Club effective January 1, 1974. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported his office had received a letter from Washington County Data Pro- <br /> cessing asking if the village wanted an assessment roll at 10¢ a page or approximately $24.00 <br /> for the whole village. This would give legal descriptions, market and assessed value. Mayor <br /> Carlson said this information could be gotten from the county at any time and was not <br /> necessary at this time. Howard said this roll would prove valuable as far as the new sewer <br /> would be concerned. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Lease to have village clerk contact Washington County <br /> Data Processing to purchase for the village an assessment roll. Motion carried. <br /> Attorney Johnson brought up the fact that the Junk yard license issued to Norm Horton Sr. <br /> should be revoked as long as his special use permit had been revoked. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux to terminate Junk yard license # 44 on the basis <br /> of facts ascertained in the public hearing held on December 17, 1973. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Carlson to notify Mr. Horton by registered mail of the <br /> permit and license revocations on December 17, 1973. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lerowc, seconded by Lease to adjourn at 10:30 PM. Motion carried. <br /> Obert E. Burkard, Clerk <br /> Villi of Hugo <br />