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JANUARY 21 , 1974 TINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF HyG� <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Mayor Crever. Roll was <br /> called: Crever, LaValle, Leroux, Lease present. Bjorum absent. <br /> Mayor Crever read aloud a letter from councilwoman Pam Bjorum, dated <br /> January 3, 1974, wherin she stated it had become impossible for her <br /> to continue on the city council, and therefore was resigning. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Lease to accept resignation of Pam <br /> Bjorum as councilman of Ward III. Motion carried. The rest of the <br /> council will now look for a third ward council man or woman to replace <br /> Mrs. Bjorum. <br /> Minutes of the January 7th meeting were reviewed, and clerk Burkard <br /> reported there were two corrections to the claims of that date; #13 <br /> should be $87.46, not $$747.30, and #21 should be $ 396.30, not $397.30. <br /> The new total is $$38,196.28, not y$38,857.18. Marvin LaValle stated the <br /> motion regarding the First State Bank should have the word "sufficient" <br /> inserted to replace "substantial" . Attorney Johnson stated the "and" in <br /> Signe E. and Signe Lee Sadowske should be changed to "or", as this person <br /> was known by two names, and the "p" in "Thompson" should be left out <br /> of Luvern Thompson & Grangers. <br /> Motion made by Crever, seconded by LaValle to approve minutes as cor- <br /> rected. Motion carried. <br /> The claims for payment were reviewed next, and Don Lease asked it the <br /> bill from Washington County was for one month only, which it was. He <br /> also questioned the bill from Walter Stoltzman dump. Clerk Burkard said <br /> >162.00 of the bill was for hauling George King's house remains to the <br /> dump, and he wondered if this should be certified to the county auditor <br /> for collection. LaValle and Leroux thought the bill should be sent to <br /> the estate first. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by LaValle to send a letter to the <br /> George King Estate, notifying them of the bill for $162.00 for the <br /> removal of the remains of George King's house to the Stoltzman dump. <br /> This payment should be paid within sixty (60) days from their receipt <br /> of notice, or it will be certified to the county auditor for collection. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> The first people to appear before the council were Bruce Torp, and <br /> John Penton from the White Bear Lake Youth Resource Bureau, along <br /> with the White Bear Lake Police Chief. They stated their agency was <br /> a social service type agency dealing in family problems, drug and al- <br /> cohol problems. They have a professional staff of counselors, and about <br /> thirty volunteer counselors. They have a teen drop in center, and a <br /> job placement center. The Police chief stated they prefer to keep as <br /> many young people as possible out of the criminal justice system, and <br /> thus refer them to the Bureau for help. It was stated that some resi- <br /> dents of Hugo are receiving help from the Bureau at the present time. <br /> The Bureau would like approximately $?2000.00 from Hugo to help them <br /> keep on with their valuable program. Attorney Johnson mentioned if the <br /> council, wished, something could be arranged through a Joint Powers <br /> Agreement. The council will review this matter for a decision at a <br /> later date. <br /> The matter of a minor subdivision for Vern Peloquin came up, and the <br /> following action was taken: Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Leroux <br /> the m 1ior subdivision of Vern Peloquin should be referred to the plan- <br /> ning commission for their meeting of January 23, 1974. Motion carried. <br />