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JANUARY 21 , 1974 15• <br /> Dan Spitzer of the planning commission told the covnc:il that the plan- <br /> ning commission recommends that Ed Kuntz, with one year left to serve, <br /> be removed from the commission. Reason stated was lack of attendance. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Leroux that Ed Kuntz be removed <br /> from the Hugo planning commission, with the clerk sending a letter so <br /> stating to Mr. Kuntz. LaValle, Leroux, .Crever, Lease for. Motion car- <br /> ried. <br /> It was stated that the planning commission recommended that Larry <br /> Ehret be made its chairman. Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Lease <br /> to appoint Larry Ehret planning commission chairman. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded to appoint David Norden as a planning commis- <br /> sion member to fill the balance of Ed Kuntz's term. Motion carried. <br /> Treasurer George Bernier appeared and stated 350,000.00 in Water Revenue <br /> Sinking Funds could be put in 4 yr. certificates of deposit at a 7% <br /> interest rate. Council discussed the matter, and as the present <br /> certificates come due, the treasurer will bring the matter before the <br /> council, and they can act on it. <br /> Don Lease reported that the sewer committee discussed several sewer <br /> ordinances, drew one up, and referred it to the attorney and ordinance <br /> committee. Attorney Johnson gave copies of same to the council, and <br /> some changes were made. Clerk Burkard suggested giving the ordinance <br /> to the fiscal agent for his review. Attorney Johnson will make the <br /> necessary changes, and pass the ordinance along to Ehlers Associates <br /> for review. <br /> Recess called at 9: 10 PM. Called back to order at 9:20 PM. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported that assessor Ed Leroux had contacted the 4ash- <br /> ington County Assessor, and this man would contact someone else re- <br /> garding assessor school for Mr. Leroux. <br /> Dan Spitzer reported that the original special use permit issued to <br /> LaMetti & Sons Construction could not be found, but the planning com- <br /> mission recommends that the council grant an amendment to the permit. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by LaValle that the special use permit <br /> ratified by the town board of Oneka Township on June 14, 1971 approve- <br /> ing use of land described as SE of Section 89 Township 31 N. , Range <br /> 21 W. , lying west of railroad tracks containing 42.5 acres more or <br /> less, for the open storage of sewer and water construction materials, <br /> be and is hereby approved and continued, and that the special use <br /> permit be hereby modified to include the additional use for construc- <br /> tion of a steel storage shed on the south 4l of the property, and the <br /> storage of operational equipment utilized in the construction of <br /> sewer and water systems. Motion carried. <br /> Dan Spitzer stated that LaMetti would like to move their entire <br /> operation to their property in Hugo in the future, and they will <br /> appear at a planning meeting of February12, 1974. <br /> Next item on the agenda was a discussion on the White Bear Rod and <br /> Gun Club. Spitler stated the commission had asked the club to look <br /> into the matter of noise pollution, and report back to the planning <br /> commission, and nothing had been heard from them since that time. <br /> Attorney Johnson suggested council instructing the planning commission <br /> to act on the matter. <br />