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JANUARY 21 , 1971 9 <br /> ;_.letter had been -received from the Bald Eagle Sportsmens Association <br /> asking to meet with the council regarding proposed zoning. LaValle <br /> mentioned that sufficient inf o_nation had been made public on the pro- <br /> posed zoning ordinance, and the planning meetings are public. Attorny <br /> Johnson is to respond to the Sportsmer_s Association regarding the matter. <br /> A resolution of approval of the Comprehensive Sewer Plan had been re- <br /> ceived from the Metropolitan Sewer Board. <br /> A letter had been received from the Minnesota Department of Natural <br /> Resources, stating that if municipalities do not have or adopt an <br /> ordinance regulating shoreland use and development by July 1 , 1975, <br /> the commissioner of natural resources shalljlold a public hearing <br /> and adopt an ordinance for the municipality. Meanwhile, then eare to <br /> be meetings and a public hearing to explain proposed standards and <br /> criteria for such an ordinance. If the municipality has any such or- <br /> dinance already, and Hugo does not, it is to be submitted to the Dept. <br /> of Natural Resources by April, 1974. <br /> A letter was received from the Metro Council regarding the Grant Town- <br /> ship Comprehensive Plan. LaValle thought this should be put before the <br /> Hugo planning commission. <br /> Motion made by LaValle and seconded that City of Hugo subscribe to <br /> the Forest Lake Times for one year. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by LaValle to renew temporary mobile <br /> h(w!.e permit for Hilbert McCloud. Motion carried. <br /> Don Lease mentioned he wanted to discuss the election law with attorney <br /> Johnson. Motion made by Crever, seconded by LaValle that a work session <br /> be held Tuesday January 29, at 7:00 PM and request that village attorney <br /> be present. Motion carried. <br /> It was stated that the sewer committee should be activated shortly. <br /> Don Lease stated we owe the Metro Sewer Board money for deferred assess- <br /> ment, and this should be worked on. LaValle suggested finding three <br /> people to work on the sewer committee to replace Perzichilli, Tauer, <br /> and Dooley. LaValle also mentioned the council and sewer committee <br /> should work together on sewer assessments. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported his office still has the second low bids for <br /> fire equipment in possession. Motion made and seconded to return the <br /> second low bid bonds to their owners. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Leroux to adjourn at 12:00 AM. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Sandy H nson <br /> Deputy Clerk <br /> City of Hugo <br />