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JANUARY 21 , 1974 17 <br /> Motion made by Crever, seconded by LaValle to instruct the planning <br /> commission by letter to contact the ;rThite Bear Rod and Gun Club and <br /> gather all necessary information required, and make their recommen— <br /> dation to the council by March 4, 1974. Motion carried. <br /> Police Chief Richard Gunderson appeared and recommended the hiring of <br /> another part time police officer for Hugo. Council then asked questions <br /> of Lyndon George Ladd, the applicant. <br /> Motion made by Crever, seconded by Lease to hire Lyndon George Ladd <br /> as a part time police officer for the City of Hugo. Motion carried. <br /> Gunderson mentioned that Robert Barth had started BCA School Monday. <br /> The state requires that he be reimbursed for mileage and meals. Gunder— <br /> son questioned if Barth could use the squad car, and not collect the <br /> mileage claim. Council felt Barth should use his own car and put a <br /> monthly claim infer payment. <br /> The Norm Horton special use permit came up for discussion. LaValle <br /> questioned whether Horton should be made to request reinstatement, <br /> as his special use permit and junk yard license had been revoked. <br /> Attorney Johnson stated Horton could send a letter to the council <br /> asking for reinstatement with the same terms and conditions. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Leroux to inform Norm Horton Sr. <br /> he should send a letter to the city council requesting reinstatement <br /> of his special use permit and junk yard license, witth the letter being <br /> in the clerk's office prior to February 4, 1974. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Lease to amend previous motion to <br /> have the village attorney send the letter to Horton. :Notion carried <br /> The previous motion was voted on and carried. <br /> The matter of Pioneer Club Licenses was brought up. Motion made by <br /> LaValle, seconded by Leroux to grant off Sale Non Intoxicating LiquDr, <br /> Cigarette, Soft Drink, Game of Skill licenses, and a Dance Permit to <br /> Pioneer Club, Inc. Motion carried. <br /> Engineer Hoy-raid Kuusisto reported that approximately twenty five sewer <br /> contractors hare the village sewer specifications, and bids will be <br /> opened on February 4th. <br /> Attorney Charles Johnson stated he is still working on the easements, <br /> and should be just about done on February 4th. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported on the following: <br /> A bill from International Harvestor was received in the amount of <br /> $6242.14 and he <br /> questioned how this was to be paid. (It was noted <br /> that 05000.00 had also been received from Washinton County for the <br /> village truck) . lotion made by Lease, seconded by LaValle that ;05000.00 <br /> from the county for the village truck should be temporarily used for <br /> the purchase of the tanker chassis, and should be reimbursed when the <br /> money fiv m the bonds is received. Motion carried. <br /> Documents had been received in the clerk's office regarding the raise <br /> in gas and electric rates from Northern States Power Company. <br />