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1974.03.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1974 CC Minutes
1974.03.04 CC Minutes
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City Council
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MARCH 4, 1974 -� <br /> Y � <br /> Attorney Johnson Stated he couldn't agree with Pyr_ . Crawford' s interpre- <br /> tation of Ordinance # 1 not providing for any special use permits. The <br /> ordinance regarding non conforming use has been iterpreted by the Town <br /> Board and Village as having ability to grant special use permits. Ordi- <br /> nance #6 was passed after the passage of the zoning ordinance, and does <br /> provide for trapshooting by a non profit organization. The owners apply <br /> here as a corporate social organization. <br /> Don Lease mentioned the attorney should have more time to look into the <br /> matter regarding the ordinances. <br /> Irene Leroux mentioned the club would be a rig taxpayer, if the special <br /> use permit were granted, it would be subject to annual review, and the <br /> conditions would be very strict. <br /> Nr. Mikeworth, the attorney for the gun club, stated if this would end up <br /> in court, the club would bear the brunt of it. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Crever to table this subject until the <br /> April 1st. meeting. Motion carried. <br /> Next item on the agenda was the question of lowering the Arcand X8000.00 <br /> deposit. The contractor had requested to be paid part of his amount owing, <br /> and in order to pay him, the Arcand's needed some of their deposit returned. <br /> LaValle mentioned he would rather have a performance bond or a letter of <br /> credit and let them have their money. Lease stated to the Arcands that if <br /> their road was not right in the spring, the city would have to use their <br /> money to fix it if they wanted it accepted by the city. Attorney Johnson <br /> said a letter of credit would be better from the city standpoint. <br /> Motion made by LaValle and seconded that T!r. & Mrs. Arcand be reimbursed <br /> their $8000.00 check for their subdivision, if they provide an :; 8000.00 <br /> irrevocable letter of credit payable to the City of Hugo, or an %98000.00 <br /> performance bond. Potion carried. <br /> Motion made by Crever, seconded by LaValle to place Don Tauer on the agenda <br /> for the regular meeting April 1st. Motion carried. <br /> Next item was the awarding the Sewer Project. Attorney Johnson had with <br /> him a resolution prepared by Briggs and Morgan for receiving bids and <br /> awarding the contract. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Lease to adopt Resolution ; 1974-4, a <br /> resolution receiving bids and awarding a contract on sanitary sewer improve- <br /> ment r 1973-1 to Hoffman Brothers of Atwater, Minnesota for a cost of <br /> %91 ,020,151 .76, contingent however upon successful sale of bonds by the city <br /> to finance said improvement and final approval of the project by the <br /> Department of Housing and Urban Development. <br /> Crever, LaValle, Martin Leroux, Lease for. Motion carried. <br /> Recess called at 9:25 PM. Called back to order at 9:35 PM. <br /> Bruce Folz appeared next, wi-:;h Mr. Mogren and Mr. Schrier, to ask for a <br /> reconsideration of their subdivision. They proposed dropping off approxi- <br /> mately nine lots, and putting the whole cul-de-sac area into an outlot. <br /> Attorney Johnson stated the council could reconsider this, or send it back <br /> to the planning commission. The owners questioned whether the plan could <br /> be accepted, leavoing out certain lots. Johnson said they should amend the <br /> plan and include platted outlots, or leave unplatted. Mr. Folz said they <br /> would like the councils reconsideration and action as soon as possible to <br /> start road constuction in the spring. <br />
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