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I" :�WH 1tv 1974 44 <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Leroux that the oreli-minary plan o�� <br /> Oak Vista Estates which was denied at the February 19, 1974 meeting be <br /> reconsidered by the city council for further amendments. LaValle, Leroux, <br /> Crever for, Martin, Lease opposed. notion carried. The developer is to <br /> return to the council with a new plan, dropping off at least nine lots. <br /> Vern Peloquin mentioned his surveyor is in the hospital, and he would like <br /> his minor subdivision tabled until the next meeting. Motion made by LaValle <br /> and seconded to table minor subdivision of Vern Peloquin until March 18 <br /> 1974. Motion carried. <br /> The subject of Ricci's Saloon came up, and Attorney Johnson said there is <br /> a problem with the setback, and also a problem with the parking facilities. <br /> He advised calling in Bob Ricci to discuss the matter. Motion made by Martin <br /> seconded by Lease that Bob Ricci be requested to attend the next meeting <br /> of the city council to discuss possible problems. Motion carried. <br /> Regarding a moritorium on subdivisions, the attorney stated that once the <br /> Comprehensive Plan is adopted, this could be grounds for acting on sub— <br /> divisions. The planning commission had recommended to the council that <br /> they adopt the plan. 11ar.",-,j-Stated he felt there were a few minor changes <br /> to be made. Johnson mentioned waiting until the next meeting, and he could <br /> have a resolution for adoption drafted, and he would like to review the <br /> plan further. <br /> Irene Leroux stated the planning commission had made two recommendations <br /> to the council regarding the zoning and comprehensive plan. <br /> Don Lease stated for the sewer committee that they met on February 25th and <br /> set forth some standards for assessment and have a few more to do. They <br /> will meet again on March 11th at the city hall. <br /> Lee Martin stated the ordinance committee will meet on March 14th and will <br /> discuss mainly the mobile home ordinance and animal ordinance. <br /> Police Chief Richard Gunderson appeared and gave his written report to the <br /> council for their review. He recommended having a meeting with the council <br /> and police department to discuss existing rules and regulations which govern <br /> the operation of the police department. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, and seconded to hold a work session Saturday, March <br /> 9th at 9:00 AM, with attorney and engineer in attendance. Motion carried. <br /> Howard Kuusisto had prepared a written report which he gave to council as <br /> he explained certain items. <br /> He mentioned the drainage problem at 150th and Foxhill, and LaValle felt <br /> if a drainage system were to be put in there, it should be assessed to the <br /> land owners affected. 11arvin and Crever are to go check the situation. <br /> Regarding La1letti, Lease mentioned he didntt want Howar6.1 -. crew going <br /> out staking for a road. They instead should send their plans to Howard <br /> for his review. <br /> Attorney Johnson had also prepared a written report which he gave to council <br /> for their review. He had also prepared a summary of the status of easement <br /> acquisitions. He also reported the mileage shall not exceed 15¢ per mile <br /> according to Minnesota Statue. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported on the following: <br />