<br /> OF 11LITGO a3 3
<br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:08 PI•'I by 1Tayor Crever. Roll was
<br /> called: Crever, LaValle, Leroux, Natin, Lease present.
<br /> The minutes of March 4th were reviewed, and page 2, paragraph 11 was
<br /> corrected to read "Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Lease to adopt
<br /> Resolution ;: 197 -4 , a resolution Neceivi_n- girl-, rind. .-iwardin�: a con-
<br /> tr.?.ct On the r ;etrcr i:^nroveraent f973-1 to r-Toffr.,n.n rothers of
<br /> .'_tj,;ater, I1innesota, for cost. of ",'1 r)2 )p113-1 .76 contingent, n.owever, upon
<br /> (a.) successful sale of bonds by the Cite to finance said %rnpro'rci-rent;
<br /> a-,d ( b) fines]_ n.pprova.l of t'ne n:, o vett the Pepa.rtinent o. Housing and.
<br /> Urban Development." Crever, T:a,Val].e, z,_tin, I:eroux, for. Notion
<br /> carried .
<br /> ,otion glade b-T Leroux, seconded .-7 °-artin :� �•ccept minutes of ?",arch. 4th
<br /> as corrected . ;- otion c=�rricu .
<br /> :',otion r,.a,:e b.- i'artin., seconded by Crever to pay general claims as pre-
<br /> sented . Potion carried. v
<br /> Bob L;icci appeared before council as requested, rea.rding a problem with
<br /> his buil(lin; set back, an:-I a parkin;; problem at his place o.. business.
<br /> '_ttorney Johnson said there should' be a. controlled access to 147th Street,
<br /> and parTcing according; t.o the zoning; ordinance, should 'i;e on I,icci 's own
<br /> or leased property. ';egardin ; the set back, the zoning ordinance provides
<br /> for a vari�ince (econorri_c factors can be ta.l:en into consideration) . ,'':r.
<br /> Ricci stated he was not of uny parlci.nJ problem, and he plans to
<br /> b].ac'ctop the parkin;-; facility in the near future. He t,,ras told to apply
<br /> for a variance regaxding set bat's, and present this along with a. parking
<br /> plan to the planning co,..imission in the near future .
<br /> Richard V^.il regarding; dividin^; approximately one half acre out
<br /> of lot ,;'7 of ]ver_green Trills 2nd to sell to Bart LaValle for gardenin,,
<br /> purposcs. The planning commission had recommended t?,Ia.t this minor sub-
<br /> division be approved. The council then asked a. few questions of Dan Spitzer
<br /> and '.nginecr 'Toward ITlzusisto concerning the ratter.
<br /> Totion made by LaValle, seconded by Leroux to approve minor subdivision
<br /> for Richard Vail.
<br /> T.,
<br /> for carried .
<br /> The bond sale opened at 8: 00 PF, for Fire TEquipment Bonds, and Sanitary
<br /> Sewer_ Improvement Project Bonds . Clerk Burkard stated the notice of the
<br /> mond sale had been published in the official ne��rspaper, the Forest Lake
<br /> Times on February 28th, 2, the Commercial 7.1,est, Fiscal _` ,ent Bob ''filers
<br /> stated Hu;�:o had been rated 13a,a-1 , which was a,- very good rating. He also
<br /> said there is a, quarter of a, percent higher interest no,..r than about four
<br /> weeks ago, because of availability of bonds in the state. I•"r. Ehlers opened
<br /> the bids, and the first was from llison-:!illian?s Co. , I''pls. , !`inn. They
<br /> had sent alon- a good faith c'•Iecic in the amount of :;18,1 20.00. ITet interest
<br /> cost was ° 646,518.54 with interest rate at 5 .5438.
<br /> The second bid was from \whe First i`Tationa._l BanTc of St . Paul, who had
<br /> also sent a good faith check in the amount of :':18,120.00. Their net
<br /> interest cost would be ';654,833 .90, with net interest rate bein ; 5.613357.
<br /> '1bile r'r. ''hlers did some calculating, the council took .up other matters
<br /> of business.
<br /> Vern appeared with his survey for his minor subdivision, and
<br /> T`r. Johnson and P"r. ✓uusisto said everythin.; was in order. Fotion made
<br /> by Leroux: and seconded to approve Vern Peloquin's minor subdivision. "otion
<br /> carried.
<br />