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"!:RCT-i 1 F, 1 "74 55 <br /> I`Tcxt item was a discussion of the r--ational Flood T-asurance _`)ro-ran. <br /> letter had been receive,! from the Department of Natural Resources, copies <br /> of which :dere given to the council. T1r. Bur'::ard had also received infor— <br /> :,tation from the Interstate Lumber Co. on the matter. ccor.din ; to the <br /> letter, tyte cit,-.r should be covered b;r _FlooC! insurance by July, 1 x)75 . The <br /> city ;"a Yes a.7'? applicati,):•_, 1T 7) ;"al. es inspections of the city, and the <br /> city makes reports . - .,ayo_r_ Craver stated there was provisions in the letter <br /> for cities to object if so desired. <br /> 'otion made by Crever, and seconded to send a letter to the Department of <br /> Natural Resources, to the effect that Nu--;o sloes not feel it should be <br /> included in the flood plain area, es :_�.cr.,is no history of flooding in <br /> this area. Lotion carried. <br /> I-;r. ';filers had finished his calculating, and stated the lowest bid was <br /> from the .:'_llison.=-!il1.iams Co. He then went on to explain to council how <br /> a bid is actually made. I"r. lliler... %. .�i prepared resolutions, and the follow— <br /> in-r action was taken. <br /> Potion rade by LaValle, seconded {)y 1,artin to adopt Resolution I 1974-5, <br /> a Resolution `cceptinE Bids on Sale of ,.56,000.00 General CY_igation <br /> Bonds of Tire Equipment of 1974, Providing for Their Issuance, and Levying <br /> a Tax for 71aynent Thereof: . Crever, laValle, I!ercux, '-ariin,, Lease for. <br /> ?iotion carried. <br /> T',otion made b7r Lease, seconded by T,eroux to adopt >?esol.ution .;l 1974-69 <br /> a Resolution V':cceptincl Bids on Sale of ''X50,000.00 General Obligation <br /> Sanitary* Sewer Improvement Bonds of 1971 , an(i Providing for Their Issuance. <br /> Crever, LaValle, Teroux, !,-,actin, and Lease for. Lotion carried. Fr. Ehlers <br /> then stated the funds should be received within thirty or fo_rt;;r days. <br /> Recess was called at 8: 55 P"'. Called back to order at 9:05 P <br /> public hearing opened. at 9:05 P'. on a. mobile home application for IIelen <br /> 3etz <br /> at 4.908 120th Street, ilu;�n, I*_inr.E:sota. Vie deputy Clerk read aloud <br /> the published notice from the Forest Lake Times. Adjacent property owner <br /> Russell Seboeller appeared objecting• to the application, as he said this <br /> havinL a inobile home on the property would cause his property to be de— <br /> valued . The council then asked a few questions of i:rs. Betz. She stated <br /> she can live in her home in ^noka County until I-Ia,y 1st, and then must <br /> move out. It was noted that the ordinance provides only for township <br /> residents to be given mobile home permits. T.-Trs. Metz said she had spoken <br /> with Torr LaValle about putti_n_; in a sewer systen, and the building inspec— <br /> tor had also visited the site. T"ayor Crever stated there could be no <br /> guarantee that the per-iit if --,ranted would be renewed. The hearin, closed <br /> at 9: 2.0 P-.T. T:otion made by Crever, seconded by Leroux that mobile home <br /> permit not be ;;ranted. ! oti on carried. <br /> Yext item on the agenda was -the Cor.,lprehensive ?lan. Charles Johnson had <br /> prepared a draft resolution for purposes of discussion. '.e stated he and <br /> Carl Dale had reviewed the plan, and he then went on to explain various <br /> minor changes to be incorporated into the plan. These changes would not <br /> -Wean resubmission of the plan to the ''etro Council. I•Tartin and Lease <br /> voiced favor of r;r. Johnson's resolution draft, rand Dan Spitzer said it <br /> was excellent. LaValle had a few questions, and stated he had reservations <br /> on the plan reap as it related to the proposed zoning reap. r:r. Johnson then <br /> explained the relationship of the plan map to the proposed zoning map. <br />