<br /> is, i 74!-
<br /> 1-:otior_ made by Lease, seconded by 1jeroux to ad-opt Resolution 1974-7, a
<br /> Resolution ;'e?optin.; the City Of iluo Comprehensive :unicipal Plan,
<br /> Providini- For The r,nnual Review Thereof, And Providin ; For The Integration
<br /> Of Capitol Improvement Pror ramni.n, An('.' Physical Development Therewith.
<br /> Crever, Leroux, -Partin, Lease for. , LaValle opposed. T:otion carried.
<br /> Yext item was the Grace Developr,ient Land Division which had been before
<br /> council alread7 last Jiil-;r, and tabled until they brought in <a survey of
<br /> the property involved. It was stated they still did not have a correct
<br /> survey of the property. Grace Jackson was told to provide this, and -report
<br /> baclr to council when ready.
<br /> Oak Vista Estates appeared Vlith a nc:,r preli.ninary plan, leaving out nine
<br /> lots. I-Tow there would be twenty nine lots with an average density of
<br /> 2 .5 acres per lot. The Rice Creek 'la.tershed Board will make a recomr..qen-
<br /> dation on the natter on �a.rci-) 21st. 11ir. ";ogren sug;;ested they would donate
<br /> ;5,000.00 to the cit., to help with road improvement in that area. Howard
<br /> :,uusis 1,o stated that certainly would be a good start for tree roads. r.
<br /> Johnson mentioned certain items pertaining thn subdivision to the council.
<br /> Er. i- ogren mentionedlirni.tin` the number of: building permits issued each
<br /> year. There will be wore; session on this subdivision in the near future.
<br /> Clerk Burlcard reported on the following;:
<br /> The oiralhaven Estates letter of credit expires on '�pril 309, 1974.
<br /> Lotion made byLaValle, seconded by Lease -to send Royalha.ven ',,;states
<br /> a letter noti l in;t; th.eri their letter of credit expires `;pril 30, 1974,
<br /> and if construction is not completed Dir "pril 15tri, or their .letter of
<br /> credit extended for one Near, a draw will be -marle upon their present
<br /> letter of credit . ?`otion carried.
<br /> The Rice Creek 'Ja.tershed ';oard asl, ed to have o. couple of their members
<br /> appear on tine .=April 1st council a;enc.a, r.elatin J to the `Ihite Beer Rod
<br /> and "un C0.1ib.
<br /> letter had :peen received -from the Sewer .3oard stating invoices should
<br /> be paid for the months of January, F ebrua.r -, anti TTarch, and no more bil-
<br /> lin;rs be rade until a study is made .
<br /> Fotion made by Lease, seconded by Crever, that the clerk write to the
<br /> Sewer Boar(! explaining the usa,e situation right now. 'otion carried.
<br /> The clerlrfs office had received a, check in the amount of :')12,355.78 for
<br /> local -overn-rient aid.
<br /> Clerk Burkard stated `;laterworks School_ is coming up .pril 3, 40 & 5 .
<br /> T:otion rr_a.de and seconded to send the clerk to waterworks :school., paying
<br /> a per diem rate, ::,27.00 registration fee, and mileage. Fotion carried.
<br /> The clerk then stated he had been asked to inspect the sewer work until
<br /> a man could be hired -Cor the job, and he would like compensation for t1iis.
<br /> ?Toward said they are looking for a man for this position, but I-7r. Burka.rd
<br /> would certainly help in the meantirle.
<br /> Tlotion ma l.e by :'artin, and seconded to hire Robert l3urkard as sewer in-
<br /> spector on a part. tirne basis :dor ''5 .00 per hour. notion carried.
<br /> I.Totion rlade by Crever, and seconded bb-17- i1artin. that the previous motion
<br /> regardin7 sendi.n- a letter to the Departrient of Natural Resources should
<br /> include the sentence that Hur;o woiild l.il;e rior_e information on the flood
<br /> insurance program. T'otion carried.
<br />