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T--,"T 69 19'74 ` l iTt1T JS On p?CCS :i)IT?GS G ' TUECITY COLTP;C_T..L CITY GP 11UGO �, J <br /> The meeting; was called to at 7:C2 P-PT by 1-sting T'ayor LaValle . �7 <br /> Roll -,,vas called: La Valle, _Leroux, Tease, l i Lrtin present . <br /> Tirutes of , eetin s of :�,pril 15th, 22nd, and 26t'1 .were approved as presented. <br /> General Claims and :,rater Department Claims were approved as presented. <br /> >'ext item; on the agenda was appointment of a r'ayor to replace T ayor <br /> Crevcr, who resigned. r`otion _made b r Leroux, seconded by ='artin to adopt <br /> 3esol_ution 197 1--11 , A_ Resolution For 1ppointinr; The .Mayor Of The Cit'1yOf <br /> Hu. o, '':innesota, To Fill Vacancy, appointee being Don Lease . I:aValle, <br /> Leroux, T'artin for, Tease abstained. ;"otion carried. <br /> Actin,; T'ayor I.aValle then called for a recess while Clerk Durkard swore <br /> in Don Tease as :"ayor. <br /> Tile r^eetinc was then called bacl. -to order and the first iters taken up <br /> by the new T'ayor and Council was the ':rite rear Rod £, Gun Club Special <br /> Use Pernit Application. ' ayo-r I:ease stated that approxir:.ately two years <br /> a ;o the -,„rhite Dear Rod F, Gun Club wanted to purchase land in Hu.-o for a <br /> club. There was a public hearing; held on t'_le matter on Koverlber 17, <br /> 1973, and it cai_:e before the City Council in - arch of 1974. Lease said <br /> t'_•ze council would allow fifteen minutes for '.Ittorney Rollin Crawford to <br /> spear for the people a-ainst the club, and fifteen minutes for t1le club's <br /> attorney'-,Jallace. <br /> T:r. 'Jallace spoke first, sa.yin,, he 'iad brou,��ht with hire ten. ne:,bers of <br /> the club. The club hasCi put all facts relatin; to the application for the <br /> permit before the council_, and would like 'he matter considered on its <br /> merits, not on the e,: otions of a group of people . <br /> Tayor Lease then spoke, sayi_Z ; according to Oneka Ordinance 1 . we have <br /> certain zoliin,_; districts, and t_-Jere is a clause in the ordinc nce wl_ich <br /> allows the Council to issue Special Use Per-nits for Pion-Confor,,,inn Use. <br /> 'Ie said Ordinance 'J allot-Is for an or:_-ani Zed. trap shoo-tin , club to shoot <br /> on Meir own property, and OneT;.a Ordinance .'` 7 co +:ter, . uisance, relating <br /> to pollution of i%raterways and noise . In effect t_ie Council has the right <br /> to issue a Special Use '_'ernd.t providing; the gun club puts ample infor- <br /> mation for the perrilit before the,-- Commission and Council. <br /> Rollin Crawford then spore, representin,- a group of citizens against the <br /> club �_;ettin,; a permit. T-Te said it .,.,as still his contention that the council <br /> does not Dave the authority to ;rant the nerrit for non-conforming; use, <br /> that this would be harnful to the healtift ^.nd .rel_Carc o_!"* residents, and <br /> ti_at he t,as still in t ).e dark as to whetl-e- -' per-At was for a buildi-n - <br /> or a specific land use. TTe said as anot',.er c�iec `�icr., this '.rind of planning; <br /> in a residential area was not good plan ii-n <br /> ;`r. Chapman, a city resident, spore ne-:t, ':c represented HELP, <br /> ITu�o Electors Leadin ; Pro,_;ress, a T:'innesota Public interest research <br /> group. <br /> He said the group first met about three weeks a, o, and now have a iner.�ber- <br /> shi_p e-_tendinr; into the hundreds. T'r. Chapr:lan then referred to a colored <br /> reap on the wall, showing areas they had contacted an,,1, found the residents <br /> to be against the azn club cor-An into i)ugo. These residents were for tie <br /> most part in T•lard 3. Ke said t_Ze Council shoulc) t1J.n '-_J_n of people <br /> and tonin,;-tonin;-_; and )-ivin�. <br /> ,aror Lease then asked the Cit-.r _ttorney, "'r. Johnson, if he had any cora- <br /> ments. a?r. Jol-Inson stated that accordin”; to the Plomning Cor,,.-:,ission <br /> -1 n'7 Z 4-1.... ---.1-.1 <br />