<br /> 0
<br /> entire plan, and a public lnearin- was held in llove Dber of 19'73, ;°J'iere the
<br /> entire gun club operation was delve' into. `•ccordin- to ordinance, ti1e�'
<br /> a.ppl_ie(I to t=)e Cit-r Cicrl- for an application for a. Specai_l Use Per.lit, and
<br /> issue a permit for non-confornin_° use if not injurious to
<br /> public health and erel.fare . '?e said non-conf orminG use has always meant
<br /> the issuance of Special Use Permits.
<br /> '"ayor Tease at that point tlanl ed the residents for covin,; to the meeting,
<br /> and said the council appreciated t1teir conduct . lie also mentioned it was
<br /> a s'_.arse t'-.at this amount of people didn't turn out to run for jobs of
<br /> councilman and rtayor _last fall.
<br /> ?-r. Crawford then said there was another -roup which would like to be
<br /> represented and say a few words. is representative of Paul Hugo Farris,
<br /> who are not residents of the City said they were contacted by other resi-
<br /> dents in re, and -to tI_e grin club, and if the perr.;it were to r;o throu._ h,
<br /> their twenty four ;Tears of worh -to beep wildlife in the area would be ,.;one.
<br /> He also said they definitely do not want lead shot coning on their property.
<br /> T'r. dallace, attorney for the dun club gave the council a letter from the
<br /> U.S . Department of the Interior re,-arding the impact of this type of thing
<br /> on wildlife. He said the club f,.ad satisfied the State , tl,e 11ash.ington
<br /> County Planning Consultant, whom he said was very hard to satisfy, and now
<br /> it was up to the Council. to make a decision.
<br /> Attorney Johnson then gave the Councilnembers copies of twenty four con-
<br /> ditions which could be set on the pernit if ;ranted.
<br /> "otion rade by haValle, seconded by I-'artin to approve and grant a Special
<br /> Use Peri, it for the :f'hite Dear Rod & Gun Club subject to the followinzi
<br /> conditions:
<br /> Permitted Uses - Special Use Permit to construct a 50' L 70' club house on
<br /> said property, toziether with the construction of the necessary appurten-
<br /> ances for trap shootin and/or skeet shooting.
<br /> ,SDecial Use Perr,it Conditions-
<br /> 1 . The South and ?:test property lines shall be fenced with a woven wire
<br /> stock and field fence, with at least two strands of barbed wire at
<br /> the top, said fence to be constructed to coTnpletion by September 1 ,
<br /> 10,74, or this Suecial Use Permit shall becor.e null_ and void in its
<br /> entirety.
<br /> 2. Tree plantin- shall take place aloe; the west property line startin
<br /> fror.t the sout'i property line and eytendin;, to the north to a point
<br /> where the land becomes too low and swampy for reasonable tree Urowth.
<br /> The plantinZ will consist of five ro;•rs of pine trees at least 12 inches
<br /> in hei ht, and one ro.,r of Tor-hardy poplar trees at least 5 feet in
<br /> heiZht. Pl_antin s shall be completed by June 1 , 1975, or this Special
<br /> Use Permd.t will be null and void in its entiret7r.
<br /> 3. ,',11 require?lents imposed by the Rice Creel-, 'Iatershed District shall
<br /> be a part of this Special Use "er::Tit, a.nc3 shall be incorporated
<br /> herein a.s though set forth in .full.
<br /> 4. Shootin ,hours shall be limited to:
<br /> ^,, 10;0+; _"_T to 6:00 PI' on Sundays and Ti.olidays.
<br /> 10:00 A - to 9:00 P7" on 7.7eekdays.
<br /> Tshe ol,rner can petition the City Council in �rritin, , at least thirty
<br /> days in advance, for a variance in these time l_i.,,its for specail
<br /> short-tcrrl cases, Such as tournaments; an(s, upo a s'li.oti••Jin of need
<br /> J. t,.c satisfaction of the Council, a 'variance ?~ay be granted wit ft
<br /> suc') additional condi tions as th.e Council nay deet•i necessary.
<br />