<br /> JUNIL 3t 19-74 117
<br /> The fiscal agent 's contract i,✓as also to be approved. It eras stated that
<br /> most of the Mork listed in the contract had already been done, this would
<br /> be a. formality of signing a contract. Lotion made by Ilartin, seconded by
<br /> Leroux to approve contract of Ehlers and Associates, Inc. for ';9275.00
<br /> for General Obligation Sanitary Sewer Improvement Bonds and General Obli—
<br /> gation Pile Equipment Bonds. Lotion carried.
<br /> Regarding modification or amendment to Resolution3, establishin" rules for
<br /> the organization_ and procedures of the village council of Hugo, 1-Tinnesota,
<br /> this was given to the ordinance committee for their review.
<br /> Regarding special meeting notices, attorney Johnson said a new case came up,
<br /> Sullivan versus Credit River Township. Publication in newspaper in this
<br /> case was not necessary. A notice should be posted in a regular posting place
<br /> a reasonable time ahead of the meeting. If the future special meeting is
<br /> set at a regular meeting, this is looked upon as giving notice also. Nr.
<br /> Johnson said posting 48 hours ahead should riot ae problem.
<br /> Kr. Johnson also 1-1,d completed part of the City Code—Chapter 20, r:dminis—
<br /> tration, and gave copies to the council for their review. He said all
<br /> committees should disignate specific days for their meetings and this
<br /> should be published once for the general public' s information. This chapter
<br /> was then given to Lee Plartin for the ordinance committee review.
<br /> T=r. Johnson had prepared the Sewer Ordinance for adoption. He said specific
<br /> sewage rates will be established by resolution. A few changes 'i, d been made
<br /> in this ordinance, some added by the ordinance committee, and some by the
<br /> attorney.
<br /> PTotion made by Iartin, seconded by Leroux to adopt Ordinance ;'1151 An
<br /> Ordinance Establishing , Sewer Department, The I.anagement Thereof, And
<br /> Establishing Regulations For Connections To The Sanitary Sewer System,
<br /> Requirinl- Inspection, Establishing Requirerlents For Applications, Permits,
<br /> Fees, Insurance t1.nd Licenses, 3stablishing Construction Requirements, Pro—
<br /> hibiting Certain Discharges, Establishin, Billing Regulations, And Providing
<br /> For The Handling Of The Sewer Funds in The City Of Hugo, `-.lashington County,
<br /> 'innesota. 7'artin, Leroux, Lease, Smith for. 17otion carried.
<br /> At that point 1.r. Steve Chapman from the audience, asked if there should
<br /> not have been a public hearing on this ordinance before passage. I;r.Johnson
<br /> said this type of ordinance does not require a public hearing, according to
<br /> statute.
<br /> The engineer had also prepared a written report, copies of which were
<br /> given to the council for review, as Howard elaborated on a few things.
<br /> He said everything had been subr.,itted to HUD, and he was a.•raitin", their
<br /> letter of concurrence. He said the Bald Nagle Industrial Par': Sej.rer Project
<br /> is about 98;'O complete, and work is progressing satisfactorily on the City
<br /> Sewer Project. 1-Ioward then rientioned that dust control could be taken care
<br /> of during the later part of June.
<br /> i,"otion made by 1-artin, seconded by Smith to authorize dust control by
<br /> Larry Johnson at a bid of 250 per gallon for 1974, and that the total cost
<br /> should not, exceed :;;3000.00. Notion carried.
<br /> Acting Police Chief then gave his written report to council. He also sub—
<br /> mitted a. bid on a 1974 Plymouth Fury I he had received from Barnette Chrys—
<br /> ler Plymouth. Payor Lease thought the bids should be taken on a 1975 police
<br /> car. The council suggested that Barth aorlc out the specs, so the City could
<br /> then call for bids.
<br />