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L �'iuk4i:; -1'l , "ly (l;- U)f' _i1U1'.CY Ufa' kiuuU <br /> day <br /> The meeting; was called to order at 7 :10 ?'T•". Roll was called: Lease <br /> LaValle, Kartin, Leroux, Smith present. <br /> Minutes of the meeting of June 3rd were reviewed and stand approved <br /> as presented. <br /> The general claims were reviewed and stand approved as presented. <br /> I'•ir. Don Albright had called the clerk' s office regarding being placed <br /> on the council agenda to appeal a denial of his variance, but he failed <br /> to appear. <br /> Vern Peloquin appeared regarding approval of a Finor Subdivision in his <br /> Industrial Park so Jim Olson could purchase approximately one acre to <br /> construct a building. Council asked a few questions of TIr. Peloquin. <br /> The engineer mentioned he would like approximately :';150.00 authorized for <br /> upgradin,7 the road in that area. <br /> Notion made by 1,1artin and seconded that Finor Subdivision be granted to <br /> Vern Peloquin subject to the condition that 152nd Street be extended 175 <br /> feet and be brought up to City standards. A"otion carried. <br /> Regarding the Jim Olson Special Use Permit, 11r. Olson was not at the <br /> meeting at 7:20, so the council asked a few questions of " . Peloquin <br /> and the engineer regarding t.-e septic system, drainage, type of building <br /> etc. The council said they would come back to this matter when Kr. Ols-on <br /> appeared.. <br /> The Police Department came up next for discussion. Triayor Lease said he <br /> did not feel 11r. Barth had the experience to be qualified as a police <br /> chief. He suggested leaving T1r. Barth in the position of acting chief <br /> with an increase in salary for about six months. Jim Smith said Barth <br /> spends approximately 75 hours a week on his job and should have some <br /> relief. He suggested hiring another half time man to help. T'tarvin LaValle <br /> suggested having the part time men work more hours. Irene Leroux felt <br /> the council should have a meeting with the police department to discuss <br /> the matter. <br /> Notion made by Lease, seconded by Lcrou._ to appoint Bob Barth Sr. Acting <br /> Police Chief for a period of three nont:ls beginning July 1 , and also <br /> increase his salary by ;50.00 per month. Notion carried. <br /> Jim Olson then appeared with a sketch of his proposed building, showing <br /> landscape, parking, and septic system facilities. He explained his plans <br /> to the council. Iir. Olson stated he does not ever forsee having a night <br /> shift. He said this would be a Barco Building and meet all load require— <br /> ments. There will be no storage outside the building, and no pollution. <br /> T-"otion made by LaValle, seconded by Smith to grant Special Use Permit <br /> to Jim Olson to operate Imperial Tool Company subject to the conditions <br /> of the planning commission June 11th, and the change of number 2. (See <br /> following) T?otion carried. <br /> 1 . Premises shall be used for Machine Shop operation. <br /> 2 . T"ax_imum number of employees shall not exceed 12 in a 24 hour period <br /> unless ;Municipal sanitary sewer is available. <br /> 3. Parkin'a area capable of accepting at least 15 vehicles shall be <br /> blacktopped when 152nd Street is surfaced with bituminous. <br /> 4. Sewer system composed of 1 ,200 gallon tank and toy,✓ 70 foot lines <br /> shall be installed. <br /> 5. The building shall be constructed according to plans on file with <br /> the planning commission. <br />