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JU`iB 17, 197: 125 <br /> Regarding the Shade Tree Desease Problem, Lee Nartin said there will <br /> be short schools held for tree inspectors the 27th and 28th of June and <br /> the 1st and 2nd of July at the University of T-Jinnesota. He said he is <br /> in no hurry to hire a -tree inspector, but questioned if it wouldn't be <br /> advisable to advertise for one, and protect the city from the Agricultural. <br /> Department appointing one. Jim Snith questioned whether the Pollution <br /> Control Agency would give burning permits to dispose of deseased trees. <br /> Tar-;;;_ said there are so r:�any trees in the city, the council could desig— <br /> nate a control area subject to approval from the Department of Agriculture. <br /> I.Tarvin LaValle questioned whether someone fro-. -the FFA in Forest bake <br /> Night be interested in the position. He said many of the boys study forestry. <br /> Tease said he felt the council should wait until they are contacted, and <br /> attorney Johnson said he hadn't really checked into the matter. <br /> ITotion made by LaValle, seconded by Iartin to approve Permit To Display <br /> And allow Consumption Of Intoxicating Liquor for T,a'.:eside Building Corp. , <br /> DB2i K.C. Plaza. I..aotion carried. <br /> Iotion rude by Leroux, seconded by Iiartin to grant an On Sale TTon—Intoxi— <br /> cating Ialtliquor License to the Hugo Businessmen for Good Neighbor <br /> Days, June 21 , 229 &,23, -1-lotion carried. <br /> T"otion made IV ? cI:!-tin, seconded by Smith to grant an On Sale Hon—Intoxicating <br /> Dalt Liquor License to `.Thite Bear OI'_ Hardware Softball Team June <br /> 29 and 30. Lotion carried. It was mentioned they will send a check for <br /> the field rental right away. <br /> T'otion nade by Lease, seconded by Iiartin to authorize the clerk to nego— <br /> tiate governrient securities in an amount of :;72,053.35 for payment to <br /> Ehlers of >�;275.00 and Hoffman Brothers of '*61 ,783.35. T`otion carried. <br /> The Deputy clerk reported the following: <br /> ,ie have a new population figure of 3480. <br /> A letter and phone call had been received from 1=ark 11attson, assistant <br /> county engineer, regarding their negotiating :vith Rehbein Contractors <br /> to put in. a bicycle trail along the neer construction of County Road 4. <br /> The county wanted to know the council' s feeling on such a trail. <br /> Ilotion made by Lease, seconded by I_artin to have the clerk' s office send <br /> a letter to the County Highway Department noting the council's concurrence <br /> with such a trail, noting it should be for bicycles only, not other all <br /> terrain vehicles. Lotion carried. <br /> .Regarding Continental Telephone application for buried cable, Howard <br /> would. like this referred to them for an a-reenent such as we have with <br /> Bell Telephone. <br /> Votion ?rade by Lease and seconded to have the engineer contact Continen— <br /> tal Telephone for more complete definition and r�.Ght—of—way agreement. <br /> I'_otion carried. <br /> Mayor Lease reported that Elhlers and Associates had made another computer <br /> run on the sewer assessment charges and the Utilities Committee will have <br /> a recom.lendation -to council soon. Lease also stated he would like to have <br /> the new councilman, Jim Smith, viork with the Utilities Corimiittee. <br />