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JUlTT.J 17, 19V <br /> Motion glade by I`:artin, seconded by Lease to have -the city attorney att�:1d the <br /> Ordinance I•leeting June 18th at 7 :30 PII at the city hall. Lotion carried. <br /> L er.,ibers of the council were also asked by 11r. I-iartin to attend if they could. <br /> Attorney Johnson mentioned that the ,r,.iite Bear Rod and Gun Club had signed <br /> their Special Use Permit and had agreed with all conditions. He questioned <br /> whether they had sent in their .;x25,000.00 Bond as yet. The deputy clerk is <br /> to check on the clatter. <br /> Regarding the grillage code chapter on '_dministration, the attorney is to <br /> put it in resolution form for the next meeting. <br /> , <br /> -a, --Z Lease questioned at this point irhether the council looked fa.vorabley <br /> upon having an extra meeting or two a month i'or zoning items, the code, <br /> etc. .i"otion made by LaValle, seconded by I9artin to have a special_ council <br /> meeting July C, at 7:00 PI1 at the city hall. ;=otion carried. <br /> Gerald Dabe and Joe Gregoire appeared regarding ,rater problems in the <br /> area. of 177th around Horseshoe Take. :^i Ir. Charles Phengston is plugging <br /> a culvert to prevent water from draining on his property, r.:er_�-�1•rhile ?'r. <br /> Dabe contends he is getting too much water frori Phengston plugging the <br /> culvert. Ho�.iard T,uusisto said temporary relief could be Drovided for the <br /> area by cleaning; out the ditchway and divert the water to the east and <br /> then north. Is. Phengston though, contends that the natural drainage goes <br /> south. I:ayor Lease suggested having the Rice Creek .Iatershed and their <br /> engineers checic into the problem. I41r. Dabe questioned the attorney whether <br /> a natural drainageway could be plugged. Ps. Johnson said legally, a natu— <br /> ral_ drainagetiray cannot be plugged. LaValle is to ge_c an estimate on the <br /> cleaning; of the ditchway and moving the culvert, i"r. Johnson is to review the <br /> problerl, and Howard is to contact the :9atershed Engineer. <br /> LaValle mentioned there is a problem with telephone cable on Inwood Avenue. <br /> The curve in the road at Inwood and 180th should be filed, but the telephone <br /> company has put cable zigzagged back and forth across the road. I,1r. Johnson <br /> mentioned that out in the old township area, there is no ordinance for <br /> these matters. According to Howard, permits don't mean a thing to the Phone <br /> Company. 'Ie will contact them regarding the matter. <br /> LaValle and I-uusisto are to loon: at road problems in the Oakshore Park area, <br /> mainly Europa Avenue. <br /> LaValle said he had received numerous complaints on the George Ding burned <br /> building. The clerk' s office is to notify his estate of the nuisance abate— <br /> r:?ent. <br /> :acting Police Chief Barth was told by I;ayor Lease that he is to be the <br /> acting chief for three more months with a 50.00 per month raise in pay. <br /> Ir. Barth showed the council a, sample letter which could be sent to the <br /> various liquor establishments regarding various offenses. Council said <br /> they grant to be inforned of any specific offenses. Martin suggested Barth <br /> put on his monthly report any offenses. <br /> It was mentioned the mayor and council will receive a raise in pay for <br /> 1975—;;000.00 for the mayor and ; 600.00 for council. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Tartin to adjourn at 10:25 P.M. Lotion <br /> carried. <br /> Robert 2. Burkard, Cleric <br />