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r <br /> ri <br /> _1 lLU lV u . _ !i. <br /> At chat point, Howard J. Vogel, legal council for ITELP spolce and said <br /> he felt he had grounds for denial of the above motion. i.easons being; <br /> 1 . Plans have been reviesed. <br /> 2. .in environmental assessment is to be made on this project, and <br /> this is to be taken up at the 11ugust meeting of the Environviiental <br /> Quality Council. <br /> lir. Perron then said he had spo'_.en with a member of the LQC, and they <br /> in no way want to stop a project such as this. <br /> The council then voted on the motion. Lease, La7alle, Leroux, Iartin for, <br /> smith opposed. Potion carried. <br /> i set of the plans was then givcn to the clerk' s office for the City <br /> files. <br /> I':otion made by La"Talle, seconded by Cmitb to adjourn at 11 :15 PII. Ilotion <br /> carried. <br /> Robert 3. Burkard, Clerl, <br /> City of Hugo <br />