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1974.08.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1974 CC Minutes
1974.08.05 CC Minutes
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1.UGUS7 1974 <br /> 94 157 <br /> T otion ?jade by LaValle, seconded by I?arti n to approve Preliminary Plan <br /> of Traeger' s Addition Plat " 2 , and in doing so, grant a Variance in <br /> T,ot „` 6, and when the Flat is :failed, restrictive covenants ref.;arding <br /> lot -restrictions and flood. D °oofing be attached; also subject to the <br /> conditions of the planning cor.rrission and Rice Creek '.•Tatershed Board. <br /> Potion carried. <br /> Recess was called at 9,:30 PP'. Called back to order at 9:45 Pl'T. <br /> Jerry Perron, representative of the '.Thite Bear Rod and Gun. Club, appear- <br /> ed with new plans dra,.rn up according to Concition 18, 25, and 26 of their <br /> Special Use Permit, and also incorporating other conditions of the per- <br /> nit. He e_:plai_Zcd the plan with the aid of a colored reap on the wall. <br /> They had eliminated e--.cess driveways, and have only one now. Mr. Perron <br /> mentioned that the trap, usually used, are located in t?)e center of the <br /> entire facility. Smith felt the club was not co_ nl-cin.- ,lith condition <br /> 26, and Perron said they would lil-e the tivording clarified in 18t 25, <br /> and 26, and submitted a letter to the council so stating. Snaith felt <br /> this ,•could require a variance. Johnson said the council would have <br /> to decide if this plan complies aith what the council had intended. Lee Fartin <br /> said the plan dere presented complies frith what he had intended. Irene <br /> Leroux agreed, and said ,re should cyan�;e words if incorrectly used. <br /> T'arvin LaValle also said the facility as shoim on the plan is designed <br /> as lie understood and intended them.. <br /> Theodora Peltier then questioned T':r. Perron as to whether_ he had riet <br /> with council members before the meeting. He had with I'artin, Lease, <br /> and LaValle, and tried to contact the other two. ha.Valle said he felt <br /> there was nothing wrong in this, as quite a number of people contact <br /> him or other council members about; their porbler,is at times other than <br /> council r!leetinZs. l-t that point 1,ayor Lease said I1r. Robert '.Taller had <br /> contacted hir2 with a letter, and I.-ease told hin to file it with the clerk. <br /> The letter mentioned any changes in the plans should require variance. <br /> 1r. Chapman stated that he had asked that the plans be submitted to his <br /> attorney, Tir. Crawford, but they were not, and there rias a c ,''i11.';ein the <br /> plans and they should be denied. LaValle main reiterrated that the <br /> "acility is planned the way he intended it. Fr. *11'erron said he would <br /> appreciate the council' s formal approval of the plans for the record. <br /> •-otion rude by TPartin, seconded by Lerous, to clarify the Special Use <br /> Permit for the :"aite Bear Rod & Gun Club, and items to be clarified <br /> are Conditions .` 13, 259 and 26, :Tording shall be as follows: <br /> 10. h safety zone of not less than 100 yards must be maintained from <br /> the East and 'gest property Lines to the nearest trap house. This <br /> distance must be extended to 300 yards from the Last property line <br /> to the nearest higTi skeet houso and from the ':Test property line to <br /> the nearest low sT_eet 'louse. .� distance of 300 yards must be main- <br /> tained to the front of all trap houses. <br /> 25. The -Thite Bear Rod f; Gun Club shall come in with a detailed plan <br /> showineD <br /> - the location of all trip and skeet houses and that such <br /> houses fall within the lir;lits stated in condition 13. <br /> 26. The r;eSterly roti.r of pine trees shall not be cut, nor the trap <br /> houses extend beyond the westerly -row of pine trees located seven <br /> I <br /> undred feet (700 ft. ) iron the `.•Test property line. <br />
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