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U :'L_',U �S C � ,� C1' 1 T - CITY �GU'_TCI_ 7 P IG_LjU; USR14t `374 PCtOTK .t <br /> The special meeting ,eras called to order at 7:00 Vis.: by 1::ayor Lease. loll <br /> ,:gas called: Lease, LaVal_le, T'artii-ii, , Smith present. Lerou:. absent. <br /> :;ayor Lease stated the This,-)ose of the special meeting was to finish off <br /> agenda items of August 5th, and to also discuss any other important items. <br /> The first time for discussion was the Sewer _Lssessment toll. Clerk <br /> Burkard -. a.s obtained fro„i `tlie County, a list of all the people to be <br /> assessed for the new se-,,re*r. Iloward 7 uusisto would then mace an jssessmen-t <br /> 1"an from tliis. If L,hlers and Associates does not do assessment rUlls, <br /> some other firm would have to be hired for the wort.-. Attorney Johnson <br /> mentioned that prior to an cIssessment Hearing, notice aould have to be <br /> published in the legal newspaper one or i-iore times t•:ro ,vec'.s prior to <br /> the hearing, and the total cost of the project must be published in the <br /> paper also. <br /> Clerk Bur':.ard has prepared a report on revenue Sharinr, i.,ihich the Council <br /> then discussed. 1La;;;or Lease mentioned he would li'_:e to purchase a new <br /> squad car out of this money. The Council. felt 1r. Burkard should prepare <br /> a more thorough brealc.doti•rn of ',evenue Sharing, including sheets :i.ssin <br /> from his present report. He is to do this for the __leeting August 191tli. <br /> Motion , lade by Iartin, seconded by Smith to adopt Resolution 1974-15, <br /> - Resolution Appointing Election Judges .For The City Of Hugo, 17innesota. <br /> Lotion carried. <br /> I:otion made by LaValle, sem nded by Partin that election judges for the <br /> ID <br /> September 10th election be maid :,:;2.50 per hour. Motion carried. <br /> Attorney Johnson reported that all sewer easements were recorded in the <br /> County and are back. They were given to the cl cr'�' s office for the City <br /> files. <br /> ?egarding the LaValle—Bayless Lawsuit, answers have been filed, and the <br /> matter should cone up for trial some time in the Nall. <br /> I'r. Joh_ son is to also check on the election law Ordinance before Monday's <br /> neetino. <br /> The Building Inspector's report was ne--t. 1:-ayor I-ease -read aloud a letter <br /> from him regarding the remodling of the Joseph Card residence, which is to <br /> be made a part of the minutes. The Duilding Inspector does not approve of <br /> giving Is. Card a pe-r.:iit to remodel, because this would change a summer <br /> home into a year round residence, and the lot is substandard, the size of <br /> the septic tank is un',nox-m. and the e=:isting sewer systerl does not meet <br /> Finnesota State requirements. The code now requires frost footings, and <br /> Pr. Card's home is on a slab. Tile Council supported Er. Crever' s opinion. <br /> A letter had been -received from the 1*Tetro Sewer Board regarding; their <br /> erecting fences around the lift station facilities in Hugo. They requested <br /> approval from the Council on tiie matter. <br /> Eotion rude by Lease, seconded by a.artin to approve fencing of two pump— <br /> ing stations with the condition that the Serer Board neet any easement or <br /> land conditions they have with property omers at the two pumpin,- stations. <br /> Notion carried. The deputy clerl, was instructed to send a letter to the <br /> Fetro Sewer Board indicating this action. <br />