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AUGU,,'-;T 14, 1974 <br /> letter had been received from Vile nviroiimental Quality Council statin,__ <br /> Hugo should be designated as the preparer of an 'Fnvironment(al Ilssessment <br /> regarding the 'i,Thite Sear FA'od & Gun Club. There is to be a neeting Au,-,ust <br /> 21st for discussion on the matter. !;ayor Lease requested Attorney Johnson <br /> " rl <br /> to attend. Tlr. Johnson said a condition of the Special Use "Le -lit req uired <br /> that the Gun Club reimburse the City for expenses incurred as a result of <br /> the granting of the permit. <br /> letter had been recieved from the Einnesota Pollution Control Agency <br /> regarding possible lake pollution on Sunset Lake. 1,�.ayor Lease had answered <br /> the letter,, stating the City 3ngineer would investigate and review the <br /> matter f"urther. 1". letter had also been recieved from Robert Olson, a <br /> neighbor of Don Tauerts, offering objections to 1;r. Tauer's having tests <br /> taken on the lalll.e only at certain locations. 1_.Te then madc allegations <br /> against TTr. T^uer. _-'rs. Jule Crever and said the lake viall-er is C; <br /> clean Slie said Er. Tauer started this as a, aay of gettinc; bo <br /> at neighbors and tie City on his Special Use 1-Dernit Denial.. She then ('e- <br /> mended that someone go out and ivestigate the Tauer residence concerning <br /> hash :-tater running on the ground. % r. -v'uusisto and 11r. laValle are to check <br /> on the area -possibly 11"onday. <br /> The cler"C' s o-JCfice had received a call from, the Pollution Control =,-,ency <br /> regarding their consideration of a permit for a Jerry TToe to operate a <br /> pig farm for 500 pigs, near 14-1.0th on the 'Frost property. The land is zoned <br /> _T <br /> agriciilt-ural. 111r . :oe appeared, and said he is 1150, feet from lake Plaistedt <br /> -"arm the lend also. "e is going under the Car,-ill Research.:tnd e plans to ;J' <br /> Program to raise the pigs. -2he PC.,. had invetigated and 'saii no problem, <br /> but t1le-r were concery-ed about City regulp.tions. I.e has 016.5 acres, and <br /> does not -)Ian to stockpile any man-Lire. The cler'.7-1 :3 office is to send a <br /> -letter to the 2-C.'t stating this operation _c Ills ...,_Jthin the 1prese-at Ci-'U-y <br /> Ordinances,, and we -,,,.!ouId lil,-e a copy of cany per,,iit or reCulations they <br /> issue to !-!r. "oe, <br /> It was .-Alentio-ned that Don Tauer -v.!as still renting his @,P_artu-,�Ient after his <br /> Special Use Per3-it ''lad been denied. Elotion rude by 1-art-in, seconded by <br /> Smith that Jo- <br /> linso-n, contact T-r. �'Iaue_r his Special Use <br /> U ; r <br /> Peri-:iit Denial, and the terr.iina-,LiO*.1 c;- lis rental unit. ',..otion carried. <br /> cess called at 10:00 Called bac'-r- to order at 10:10 P1:. <br /> Police Chic-f 'obertu :3a- --.,-'U-h appeared and gave his written repor <br /> louncil. He also presented specs ifor a -new squad car. Hie also 3-.iade various <br /> recomnendations to the Council. <br /> 1!.'otion Y..iade b-,r T_�.artin, and seconded that Don 1clie' s wa1_1�,e be raised to <br /> It <br /> per hour for the rest of the year. ')Totion carried. <br /> 14r. Bart'R said he would lil-,-e to hire a secretary for appro.--ii-cately two hours <br /> y _';!stir_ to advertise for a, part <br /> U <br /> per day. 'olio-..i Y,,adc by lease, seconded b <br /> tire police secretary at -a rate o.-f-' .'2 .50 per hour,, and that lar'yl T-r. earth. or <br /> the City take the applications . i-otion carried. <br /> Discussion 111 �.o .L.Iien 'I-icl(l on squad cnLr speci 'ications. -_r. <br /> the old squad' should be kept .is a ste.-Lib-';, C,. r. TTartin and L,-:i.VaIIc eaf-;reed. <br /> Ta-lalle (luestione(.1 if VAe:a, �--ioulJ be cno�irrh personnel for two squacts. Barth <br /> JJ C> <br /> sail -'U-hej?, %6ul . Tayor Lecase was not in -1'avor of 1ceepinE t",, old scuC <br /> al. <br /> Ti Valle then said .-ie s1riould call for bids and trade the old squad in. S,l it-In <br /> felt we should get bids and then decide. Lease said the car could be e <br /> for other reasons, such as sewer people, etc. It vi,:).s decided t-la-at cry 13. 0.2: <br /> for the bids li..rould be put oto ti-ie ."luju-st 1S;th a-end.a. <br /> I <br />