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Aubust 4+,197+ <br /> To Hugo City Council: <br /> I have reviewed the Joseph Card property regarding his application <br /> for a permit to expand his present summer residence into a year-round <br /> home. Mr. Cards' plans are to add a bathroom, remodel the porch and add <br /> a second story to the existing structure. <br /> • I have attached a detailed sketch of the property showing the lot <br /> lines and locating the present building, sewer system, well and off <br /> street parking area. <br /> In reviewing this property and building permit application, i have <br /> kept in mind the fact that the applicant is in fact attempting to change <br /> theuse of the property from a seasonal to an all year residence. <br /> The lot size,I feel, ,is. inadequate,. The actual size,is ,6650 total ' <br /> square ft. area. Approximately 850 _.5q.:' ft. is' steeps slope down-td the <br /> lake reducing the actual usable lot area to about 5800 sq. ft. Using' <br /> the present sub-division ordinance as a guide, any lot not served by <br /> f both community sewer and water shall be at least 1 acre in size (1f3,560Y <br /> sq. ft,) and not less than 160 ft. in width. Because this land was <br /> pre-platted this code is not applicable but I would like to stress that <br /> the minimum city lot accepted with city_ sanitary sewer and water is <br /> 10,000 sq. ft. with an. 80 ft. frontage. This lo, does not come close to <br /> meeting even these minimum requirements and no City facilities are available. <br /> The present on site sewage system design is doubtful for lack of <br /> factual data. The size of the septic tank is unknown as is the amount of . <br /> absorbtibn area. The existing sewer system does not meet Minn. 'Dept. of <br /> Health standards or can it be remodeled to meet ,them. The existing well <br /> • . is approximately 25 ft. from the assumed location of the absorbtion area <br /> whereas a minimum of 75 ft. is required.. Also the wells on the adjoining <br /> property are well within the 75 foot minimum required distance. Knowing <br /> . the' general soil conditions, it is doubtful that ' a percolation rate of <br /> faster than 20-30 min. per inch would be achieved. Using a rate of 20 <br />