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' n <br /> u-' 1 a <br /> L ,lop <br /> �. <br /> ITr. Bar'ih t+Ren asl<:ecl '().e Council if money for shells :ior gmn training could <br /> be ta' out of the police budrret. T otion lade by LaValle and seconded that <br /> Po_l_ice :I)epartrnent be �.uthori zed to spend up to :`70.00 for tl-o necessary <br /> supplies for troini_n,; sessions. T otion carried. <br /> T=otion l.lade by Lease and seconded to direct Lee T'artir_ to draft a resolution <br /> to c�iangc; the _orf?at of agenda iteris. TTotion ca_-vied. <br /> Engineer Howarc, ''uusisto had sent his written report to the Council along; <br /> with a Street and Storni Sewer Irlprovenlent ?deport. He said the Council should <br /> revievr i t and then set a date _Cor apublic hearing to ge'ddirection of the <br /> people on the project. A street program eroul_d not be started this year, <br /> except for any underground structures, and the sto-r.,,l sei+ref system would be <br /> the _first to be installed. <br /> 'Zegarding the _7�ehbeir. I"ining Permits, they have been naintainin- the roads <br /> and controlling for dust. <br /> T"otion made by Tease, seconded by LaValle that •.Toviard T'_uusisto contact the <br /> contractor to put a four foot lift on the rianhole and finish the project <br /> in the Bald agle Industrial Park.. I"otion carried. <br /> l•_otion r_.ade by LaValle and seconded to e;--tend the meeting beyond 'the 11 :00 <br /> deadline. 14otio � carried. <br /> Regarding the sewer project in the City, there is a gas main along Highway <br /> 61 which is in the :,ray. Howard and LaValle feet i.rit'r? I"SP, and their attitude <br /> ,ra.; -that they don't like to raove these things for nothing, but they will <br /> ?,o tiL, it. .ccordino to LaValle, they could take a lon- tir.?e to do it. Iioward <br /> felt 'this s'ooul_e be researched as soon as possible by T:r. Johnson. No Council <br /> action ra: ta! <br /> Regarding the TTorseshoe Lake .tater Problem, ITocr<ord had heard nothing from <br /> Rice Creel.- on the matter. Their engineers are reviewing the problem. <br /> irr. LaValle was then designated ''co attend the _meeting with the County of <br /> the Impact Study on County 4 :,,,.ugust 21st. <br /> Lee Martin mentioned there is a shortage of people on the Ordinance Committee. <br /> John 7ostuch wants to vacate, and Jerry TTauble and George T"ironseldo.,l come <br /> to f ee tings. T"artin to check- on. the matter. <br /> The Council_ then discussed the matter of the Sewer Issessment Roll. It was <br /> mentioned that assessments should be at the County by October, but Howard <br /> said theme is such a thing as an extension. Tie also said he thought Ehlers <br /> cou 1 do the assessment roll_ by computer. <br /> i=otion made by Martin, seconded by Snith to adjourn at 11 :45 PI'. T"otion <br /> carried. <br /> Robert E.�Bur!�:a-z:d,�, Cle�rk <br /> City of Hugo <br />