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L;,PTE!iBFR 3, 1974 MINUTES 07 aonl DIITGS OF THE CITY COUYCIT, CITY OF Ir() <br /> The :meeting was calledto order at 7:05 2LT by Mayor Lease . Roll was called: <br /> Lease, LaValle, Martin, Leroux, Smith present . <br /> Iiinutes of the special meeting of August 14th were reviewed. Motion made <br /> by Tease, seconded by Martin minutes be accepted as presented. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Minutes of August 19th were then reviewed. Motion made by Lease, seconded <br /> by Martin to approve minutes as presented. Notion carried. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Martin to pay the general claims. Potion <br /> carried. <br /> Motion made by T.ease, seconded by Martin to pay the water claims. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> I`r. Jerry 1allace of ITSP Co. appeared to discuss the liability and cost of <br /> relocating their gas main along H1Y 61 , which is in the way of the sewer. <br /> Fe said there is a clause in the franchise that HSP will relocate in case <br /> of any public community improvement. There will be no charge to the City for <br /> moving the facility. If the Federal Government or State were to run a high— <br /> way through, it would be a different thing. They request in the future, <br /> though, that i•TSP be made aware well enough ahead to budget the money for <br /> this type of thin;. <br /> written report was received from the Bldg. Inspectior stating the permits <br /> taken out for the month of August. <br /> Howard Kuusisto also gave his written report to the Council as he explained <br /> a few items. He said a request has been made to HUD for partial payment of <br /> the Grant. <br /> Regarding the Bald Eagle Industrial Park, McClean can't do the job on the <br /> manhole, and he suggests that Hoffman might do it. Hoffman is to have a price <br /> on the job by September 4th. <br /> The sanitary sewer is now progressing along R ;TY 61 to the north and will <br /> continue past the school and trailer court, and should be completed there <br /> in October. <br /> Royalhaven Estates has a fairly good looking street compared to what they <br /> had previously. <br /> Howard also had prepared a letter to the Councilregarding extension of the <br /> sewer along Egg Lake Road. Grace Development Co. is interested in having <br /> this work done. It would be 110 feet at a cost of :. 25,000.00, and might <br /> possibly require another public hearing. Mayor Lease mentioned he would be <br /> against this type of thing there. Martin agreed. He said at the last public <br /> hearing the people at the south end were against any extension of the sewer. <br /> A study on the drainage problems in the Oak Shore Park area is to be put in <br /> the 1975 budget. <br /> Attorney Johnson next gave his written report. Regarding the Zoning Ordinance, <br /> revisions and additions will be drafted when review by all committees has <br /> been completed. <br /> An ordinance on -Election Laws is to be drafted for the September 16th meeting. <br />