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173 <br /> I-otion made by Harti n, seconded. by Leroux to renew mobile home permit for <br /> David Lindahl. Irotion carried. <br /> i'otion made by Lease, seconded by LaValle to grant garbage and rubbish license <br /> to Lake Sanitation, Bellaire Sanitation, and Suburban Pick—Up Service. <br /> "'lotion carried. <br /> aegarding the owing Sewer Bill, Eayor Lease had been in contact with the <br /> Iletro Sewer Board. They sent all communities the same contract and only <br /> two or three in addition to Hugo are not yet paying. According to the <br /> contract the first payment would be in 1975, and payments could be made up <br /> to fifteen years. There is a clause though, which states Hugo has the right <br /> to prepay any or all of the debt. It was stated that this should be a budget <br /> item of Y2649.00 in the 1975 budget. Attorney Johnson is to review the con— <br /> tract. <br /> Jim Parrish of Starmold appeared regarding obtaining an amended special use <br /> permit for a 50 x 120 foot addition _ to their present facility. This would <br /> be for warehouse use only and would require no plui .bit or new employees. <br /> They are presently using rented semi—trailers for stcrage. LaValle mentioned <br /> Starmold has all the necessary fire doors, etc. ir. Parrish said they are <br /> inspected frequently, so have to keep up to par. <br /> Potion made by Smith, and seconded that an amended special use permit be <br /> extended to Starmold at 5151 130th Street for construction of a 50 x 120 <br /> foct warehouse addition. Lotion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard questioned if there was to be a budget meeting this month. He <br /> said the budget has to be adopted by October 7th meeting in order to be cer— <br /> tified to the auditor on time. I:otion made by La7alle and seconded to have <br /> a special budget meeting September 23rd at 7:00 PI:. Hotion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard mentioned someone had been hurt at Good I`Zeighbor Days. He <br /> spoke with the insurance agency, and under our present policy, anyone hurt <br /> on city grounds would have to sue to collect. He wondered if the policy <br /> should be changed as suggested by the insurance agency. Council felt no change <br /> was necessary, and _i.ttorney Johnson suggested the City might not even be <br /> liable if the claim was not filed with the City. <br /> Ralph TToore appeared regarding his moving a garage onto his lot across <br /> from. the Legion Hall. He is to start construction on his hone shortly. He <br /> was told he would have to attend the next planning commission meeting. <br /> .ayor Lease had received a registered letter from the -innesota Environmental <br /> ;utility Council stating Hugo has to _)repare an environmental assessment <br /> pertaining to the Bear Rod Gun Club within forty five days. Lease <br /> wrote to Jerry _?err-on stating the Club should pay for this, but he feels <br /> the to:: payers of Hugo just night end up paying for it. <br /> Potion made by I'aValle, seonded by Lease to extend the meeting past the <br /> 11 :00 PI' deadline. ?'otion carried. <br /> ha;Ta_l_le suggested contacting a firm such as the one that prepared the County <br /> assessment to do this as they are familiar with then. LaValle and Lease are <br /> tO check into this. <br /> I"otion made by LaValle, seconded by I'_artin to adjourn at 11 :20 PI1. notion <br /> carried. <br />