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1974.10.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1974 CC Minutes
1974.10.17 CC Minutes
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OCTOBER 11 , 1974 MINUTES OF THE HUGO SEWER ASSESSMENT PUBLIC HEARING <br /> The Public Hearing was opened at 8:08 P.M. by Mayor Lease, City <br /> Council members present were: Lease, Smith, Lex ux, LaValle and <br /> Martin. Also present were Charles Johnson, City Attorney; Howard <br /> Kuusisto and Brian Amundson, City Engineers; and Robert Ehlers Sr. <br /> and Robert Ehlers Jr. , Fiscal Agents. <br /> The City Deputy Clerk read the Public Hearing notice published in <br /> the Forest Lake Times. <br /> Mr. Ehlers explained the financial aspects of the project. He <br /> stated that at the first public hearing the perimeter to operate <br /> under consisted of no tax levy, meaning those people receiving <br /> sewer would pay for the sewer. Estimates at the first meeting' <br /> were: $11 .00 per foot - $150.00 REC - $100.00 Service Connection. <br /> He stated that we have a $850,000 bond, supplemented by a $357,000 <br /> Federal Grant so the proposed charges are: $9.00 per foot (plus <br /> 25 feet on the side, if a corner lot) - $515.00 REC - and $150.00 <br /> service connection. User fee for operation and maintennance will' <br /> be $6.00 per month. In addition to this., there will be a $300.00 <br /> SAC Charge to cover interceptor and treatment facilities provided <br /> by Metropolitan Sewer Board which must be paid in cash. <br /> The meeting was opened to the public for comments and questions. <br /> Greg Gruber - 14918 Foxhill Avenue - Mr. Gruber wanted to know <br /> if the $300.00 SAC charge was included with the assessment sent <br /> to him. He was told that the SAC charge was in addition to his <br /> assessment. He asked if the SAC charge would increase in two <br /> years if he waited until then to hookup. He was told it would <br /> increase about $25.00 per year. He also wanted to know why the <br /> SAC charge increased from $150.00 to $300.00. Mr. Ehlers explained <br /> that if we would have hooked up in 1973, the cost would have been <br /> cut in half by Metro. <br /> Mrs. Sterling Ashby - 5980 Oneka Lake Blvd. - Mrs. Ashby wanted <br /> a definition on SAC Charge, Stub Charge and REC Charge. She also <br /> wanted an explanation of the form letter sent out. Mr. Lease <br /> explained the SAC Charge againand stated that the Sub charge is <br /> the same as the service connection. He also stated that the REC <br /> charge is to finance the total project. Mr. Ehlers explained that <br /> finance charges covered cost of main in street, lift stations, man- <br /> holes, force mains, etc. <br /> RobertRicci - 14716 Fondant Avenue - He wanted to know about REC <br /> charges for doubledwellings and why he was charged 10 RECs for <br /> his bar and restaurant. Mr. Lease explained that they used 20 <br /> seats per REC and took the number of seats off of his liquor license. <br /> Mr. Ricci also wanted to know if he would be charged $6.00 per month <br /> like everyone else? Mr. Ehlers explained that the metering of the <br /> winter quarter water bill would determine the amount of the sewer <br /> bill. He also wanted to know if they took the longest side on a <br /> corner lot. Mr. Lease stated that they used the front plus 25 feet <br /> on the side but he would check with the engineer to see how his <br /> was determined. <br /> Mrs. Ruth Coil - 14885 Forest Blvd. - Mrs. Coil wanted the REC <br /> Charge explained again. Mr. Ehlers explained it again. She <br /> also wanted to know why we didn't leave the footage charge at <br /> $10.00 or $12.00 and leave the REC Charge lower. Mr. Ehlers <br /> explained that people coming in later will have to pay for the <br /> sewer too if the REC Charge is higher. Mrs. Coil also askei if <br /> ---,A <br /> ti...�..1 .. .t... nl l .......A v.�. - �-� L�n 'nlr •�r M _ T.P'.IQP RtatE a <br />
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