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OCTOBER 11 , 1974 i93 <br /> a <br /> Darrell Granger - Grangers Body Shop and DX Service - Mr. Granger <br /> wanted to know why he was charged two RECS when they were incor- <br /> porated as one business. Mr. Lease explained that the Council felt <br /> there whould be one REC for each the DX Station and Body Shop. Mr. <br /> Granger said that he would like a better explaination to why he <br /> was charged two RECS at a later time. <br /> Mr. Ehlers stated that after adoption of the assessment rolls <br /> you still have an alternative if you think the Council has been <br /> unfair and you cantt resolve the problem, you can have a court <br /> appeal. <br /> Alan Oberg - 14590 Fitzgerald Avenue No. - Mr. Oberg wanted to <br /> know when they could hook up. Mr. Kuusisto stated that they have <br /> a target date of November 15th. Pumping stations have to be put <br /> in place yet and they still have to tunnel under the highway and <br /> railroad tracks. Some people on the west side of the tracks will <br /> be able to hookup prior to this date. <br /> Howard Moe - 5989 Oneka Lake Blvd. - Parcel No. 35020-2300 - Mr. <br /> Moe stated that he is being charged for 50 feet that he does not <br /> own. It is presently owned by Bill Trepanier. Mr. Ehlers (aid <br /> he should have his records straightened out at the County offices. <br /> Mr. Moe also wanted to know if we were getting charged for the <br /> cost of selling the bonds. The answer was yes. <br /> Adam Mikrot - 1969 Utica Avenue Parcel No. 35135-8700 Mr. Mikrot <br /> stated that he was charged for 158 feet. He has two 75 foot lots <br /> and the footage should be 1.50 feet. <br /> Joe Vignallo representing Albert Ethier - 5421 145 Street- <br /> Parcel Nos. 35135-5750 and 35135-5650 - Mr. Vignallo stated that <br /> the property was just surveyed and they have two 50' lots but one <br /> of the lots was charged for 52.1 feet. <br /> Harley Johnson - 5226 Frenchman Rd. - Mr. Johnson wanted to know how <br /> the price on the farm land was arrived at. Mr. Lease explained that <br /> it was determined by the same method as everyone else except some <br /> have green acres. Mr. Johnson objected to being assess for land <br /> that isn't assessable to the sewer. He said the sewer was useless <br /> to him because he only has one hookup. <br /> Mr. Ehlers stated that the Assessment rolls have to be adopted <br /> quickly because they have to be at the County Auditors by Nov. <br /> 15 and to get on next years taxes. The total assessment can be paid <br /> prior to November 15 without having to pay any interest. They <br /> want to pay after November 15 they can pay the County Auditor <br /> directly. <br /> Frank Huebl. - 5924 Oneka Lake Blvd. - Parcel No. 35020-2550 - <br /> Mr. Huebl has a 125 foot lot but was charged for 150 feet. The <br /> city wanted to run_ the line on the back of their property <br /> which was no advantage to the property owners. It would increase <br /> the cost of running the line from the stub to the house. He <br /> objected to the extra 25 feet charged. <br />