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OCTOBER 21 , 1974 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF HUGO;:; <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:07 PM by Mayor Lease.Roll was called: <br /> Lease, Leroux, Martin, Smith present, LaValle absent. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Smith to approve minutes of the October <br /> 7th meeting. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Martin to approve minutes of the October <br /> 17th meeting with the correction that RR should be 2 acres and 5 acres. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Martin to approve general claims for <br /> payment. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Martin, seconded by Leroux to recind Resolution 1974-18 be- <br /> cause of the replacement of Mrs. Ruth Schletty as an elction judge. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Martin to adopt Resolution 1974-21 , A <br /> Resolution Appointing Election Judges For The City Of Hugo, Minnesota. <br /> (Eleanor Stricklin is to replace Mrs. Schletty. Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Land, Mr. Hangi, and Mr. Ridler again appeared in regard to obtaining <br /> building permits for their lots on 170th Street. They were at the meeting <br /> of October 7th, but the building inspector was not present. Mayor Lease <br /> read aloud a report on the entire situation from the building inspector. <br /> Mr. Crever had checked perc tests taken on the land some time ago, and <br /> advised Mr. Ridler to contact Bill Schwab of the County to find a solution <br /> to the septic problem. <br /> Letters had been received in the Clerk's office from Rice Creek Watershed <br /> regarding proposed ditch construction on the property, and they found the <br /> proposed ditch construction satisfactory with certain conditions. <br /> Marvin LaValle and Howard Kuusisto visited the site, and Howard said the <br /> ground water table is much lower than it was previously, and the County <br /> ditch might have some bearing on the drainage. He felt elevations should be <br /> taken. The perc rate seems to be good when the ground is dry. He also sug- <br /> gested finding alternate drainfield sites. New perc tests were taken a short <br /> time ago and pass, according to the building inspector. <br /> The building inspector felt these people should have a soils expert take <br /> soil borings, and elevations and decide where to put the drainfields. Lease <br /> and Martin felt if the pert tests passed, they couldn't be denied building <br /> permits. <br /> Mayor Lease suggested these people have Don Hult design systems to work, <br /> as he took the latest perc tests, and he requested Howard to take elevations. <br /> Tom Crever, the inspector, is to look over all the applications and plans <br /> as submitted. <br /> The meeting recessed and a Public Hearing opened at 8:00 PM for the applica- <br /> tion of Lloyd J. Johnson, 13005 Ingersoll Ave., for a Mobile Home Permit. <br /> The Clerk read aloud the notice published in the Forest Lake Times. Mayor <br /> Lease explained that Mr. Johnson was applying for the permit under the Hard- <br /> ship clause, as his mother-in-law has cancer, and they would like the home <br /> for her. The building inspector is to check on what size septic system should <br /> be put in for the trailer. Hearing closed at 8:05 PM and the meeting resumed. <br />