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1974.10.21 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1974 CC Minutes
1974.10.21 CC Minutes
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C :OCTOBER 21 , 1974 <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Martin to grant a Mobile Home Permit to <br /> Lloyd J. Johnson. 13005 Ingersoll Avenue under Section II, Paragraph D, <br /> Oneka Ordinance 0 8, and this is to include a separate septic tank and <br /> drainfield. Motion carried. <br /> Bruce Folz appeared on behalf of Oak Vista Estates. He said they had re- <br /> vised the plan so all lots would have 165 foot frontage, and they dropped <br /> one lot to do this. Joseph Rivard, the attorney for Oak Vista, said these <br /> people were before the planning commission and council several times and <br /> have tried to comply with what the council wanted. He said the width problem <br /> has been solved, and the cul-de-sac is only temporary by the very nature of <br /> the layout of the plat. Lease said the council feels the cul-de-sac is <br /> permanent, because there is no other way out. The council had suggested <br /> they plat only part of this at one time, but the same plats keep coming back. <br /> Leroux mentioned the cul-de-sac is longer than the Ordinance states it can <br /> be. Attorney Johnson said there is no ultimate plan to tie into any other <br /> street, so it can't be considered temporary. <br /> Folz said they did try to comply with phasing and were denied, and the <br /> terrain doesn't permit the road being placed in any different area. This <br /> land is hilly and has plenty of timber, and they are trying to preserve <br /> the area in this plan. He said the 600 feet mentioned in the Ordinance dates <br /> back when there were no wide roads and fire equipment couldn't get in in <br /> case of fire, or trees would block the roads in storms. Here there would <br /> be a 66 foot road, which should be no problem. <br /> Lease, Leroux, and Smith felt they might agree to phasing of the plan, but <br /> Martin, felt this would gain nothing, as the last phase would still have the <br /> 600 foot cul-de-sac. It was noted that the planning commission had approved <br /> the first plan, where the road went out to Grant Township. <br /> Police Chief Barth appeared for a discussion on whether he would be named <br /> police chief rather than acting chief. Motion made by Lease, seconded by <br /> Martin to appoint Robert Barth police chief for the City of Hugo. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Motion made by Martin and seconded to table the Wilbur Schuman Junk Yard <br /> License until Mr. LaValle has up to date information and progress on the <br /> matter. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard mentioned some thought should be given on repealing the old <br /> Dance Ordinance. <br /> Recess called at 9:07 PM. Back to order at 9:18 PM. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Martin to have Mr. Johnson draw up an or- <br /> dinance repealing the Ordinance A-31 and effective date of repeal to be <br /> December 31 , 1974. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard mentioned that the HUD Grant required a contract with an <br /> auditing firm when the sewer construction is 50 % complete, and the council <br /> should think about this. <br /> Mayor Lease felt the council should meet on the sewer assessments causing <br /> problems some morning and then meet with the people the same afternoon an' <br /> explain the situation to them. Motion made by Lease, seconded by Leroux <br /> to have a special meeting on October 24th at 10:00 AM and open the meetin4, <br /> between 1 :00 PM and 4:00 PM for discussion and objections from the floor. <br /> Motion carried. <br />
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