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EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING <br /> OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br /> CITY OF HUT.' , MINNESOTA <br /> Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Special meeting of the <br /> City Council of the City of Hugo , Minnesota, was <br /> held at the Hugo Elementary School in said City on Friday <br /> October 11 , 19 , at 8:00 o'clock P.M. , with the following <br /> members present: Mayor Lease, Lee Martin, Jim Smith, Irene Leroux, <br /> Marvin LaValle <br /> and the following members absent: None <br /> **** i **. <br /> The Clerk presented affidavits of publication of the notice of hearing <br /> called to be held on special assessments proposed to be levied for special bene- <br /> fit derived from the construction of Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. 1973-1 <br /> • <br /> Said affidavits were examined, approved and ordered filed. <br /> The Mayor then announced that the meeting was open for the purpose of <br /> conducting the hearing on said proposed assessments; and after said assessments <br /> were thoroughly explained and after all persons present were afforded an oppor- <br /> tunity to be heard, the following objections were made: <br /> NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY NATURE OF OBJECTION <br /> The public hearing was adjourned until October 24, 1974, at which time <br /> more objections were heard, and also a meetingwas held on October 30, <br /> 1974, where the special assessments, some of which were amended, were <br /> adopted. Please see the attached sheets for objections. <br />