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Z `• <br /> At the Special Meeting of October 30, 1974, <br /> Member Leroux then introduced the following resolution <br /> and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 1974-22 <br /> RESOLUTION ADOPTING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR <br /> SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 1973-1 <br /> BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of <br /> Hugo , Minnesota, as follows: <br /> • <br /> (1) The special assessments (as amended) (as heretofore prepared) for <br /> Sanitary Saw's Imnrrniaman:• No. 1973-1 <br /> are hereby adopted, and it is hereby found and <br /> determined that each lot, piece and parcel of property so assessed is benefited <br /> in the amounts of the respective assessments levied against it. <br /> (2) Said assessments may be paid in cash, without interest, if paid within <br /> fourteen (i4)) days from the date hereof, or may be paid in twenty <br /> ( 20 ) equal , annual installments in the same time and manner as the payment of <br /> real estate taxes with interest at the rate of seven per cent ( 7 9. ) per <br /> annum from the date hereof to December 31 of the year in which the first payment <br /> is payable to be added to the first installment, and one year's interest on the <br /> remaining balance to be added to each subsequent installment; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, <br /> that any property owner may pay the entire unpaid balance of the assessment <br /> against his property at any time with interest to December 31 of the year in <br /> which said payment is made. <br /> (3) The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to certify a copy of the <br /> assessments and a copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of <br /> Wachinntnn County to be extended on the proper tax lists of the <br /> County for collection with other real estate taxes in and for the City • <br /> The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly <br /> seconded by member Martin ; and upon a vote being taken, the <br /> following members voted in favor thereof:Lease, Leroux, Martin, Smith,LaValle <br /> and the following members voted against the same: None <br /> whereupon said resolution was declared passed and adopted. <br />